Stock for Sale

5th February 2025

  • 95 Holstein cows, medium-large framed. All due in April to AI sires currently getting dried down. The cows are 100% AI bred by sires such as NACash, Wifi and Contender. The cows are all finishing their 1st, 2nd and 3rd lactations. A great opportunity to secure quality young cows. Located North East Victoria.  Price: $2500.00 + gst per head.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

28th January 2025

  • 35 Holstein heifers all born in August 2024. AI bred heifers that are sired by Klim, Parsons and Hexagon. Well reared calved that are funning on millet, pellets and grain. Located Lockington Price: $650.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724


25th January 2025

  • Vendors commercial Aussie red, Jersey and Xbred heifers. The heifers are AI bred and well grown. 10 April calving heifers due to a Jersey bull Price: $1500.00 + gst per head. Also selling 14 heifers joined to sexed semen to start calving August then backed up with a Jersey bull Price: $800.00 + gst per head, 15 Autumn 2024 born heifers – will be joinable in May/June Price: $600.00 + gst per head and 10 Spring 2024 born heifers – weaned and running on irrigated pasture Price: $400.00 + gst per head. Vendor willing to sell in age groups. Located Strathmerton.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

21st January 2025

  • 26 Xbred heifers. Spring 2024 born, very well reared calves that are a credit to the breeder. Located Murrabit. Price:$450.00 + gst per head.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

21st January 2025

  • 40 Freshly calved Holstein heifers. All calved December and January and currently averaging 22 litres off millet and 5 kg’s of grain. Medium framed heifers that are very quiet. Located Northern Victoria. Price: $2300.00 + gst per head.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

16th January 2025

  • 5 PTIC registered Polled Holstein heifers. Heifers due 3rd August to Sxd Chilli-PP. Selling account – Sea Breeze Holsteins. Sires represented include – Ball Of Wax-PP, Nipit-PP, Joyrider-PP-R. Maternal lines represented include Sooty, Gracy, Melita, Sheila. One of the final opportunities to purchase Sea Breeze prefix cattle, as the milking herd was recently dispersed at auction in December averaging over 3K per head! Located at Gerroa NSW. Price: $1,800.00 + gst per head.

Please Contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654 or Staurt Lockhart 0411 071 284

  • 14 Autumn calving registered Jersey heifers. Selling account of Shirlinn Jerseys. Sires represented include – Bushfield-P, Air, Publican, Washington-Twin & Wallamore-Twin (Viceroy x Apple Wren EX-92). 7 of the heifers have been program mated to Impeccable & all heifers pastured with Rivendell Joyride Magic (Joyride x Rivendell Velocity Maybell EX-92). Mated to calve from as early as Mid February on. Full details available on request. Dams classified to EX-92. Backed by 3 & 5 gens EX dams. A direct great grand daughter of the EX-95, 2016 IDW Grand Champion, Shirlinn Icy Eve sells in the group! The line up includes a majority of Shirlinn’s award winning cow families – Eve, Starbright, Starfinch, Stephanie, Mary, Queen, Wren, Eileen, Dream, Rose, Fern, Maddie, Merle, Rowena. Located at Tamworth NSW. Price: $2,400.00 + gst per head.

Please Contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654 or Stuart Lockhart 0411 071 284


14th January 2025

  • Pick of 20 Holstein cows out of 29, March/April calving to registered Holstein bull. Dried off with Cepravin Dry Cow and teat seal. Vendor bred medium framed. Sires inclue Samite, Maebull, Superhero and Del Santo. Milked off a hilly farm and will shift extremely well. Price: $2500.00 + gst per head

Please contact Luke Russell 0408 313 815

13th January 2025

  • 2 Angus bulls acc Wannon Pastoral Angus, 2 years old unused. Low birthweight sires that are safe to use over heifers. Located Mortlake. Price: $3500.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

  • 25 Holstein heifers. AI bred by Luster, Dream Big, Jagger and an Elmar Holstein bull. Well grown heifers, 2.5 years old in great condition. Due to calve from the start of March to sexed Cardhu in a fixed time AI program then backed up with an Angus bull. The heifers are bred out of a quality herd with dams producing to 11754 litres. Inspection will not disappoint. Located Gunbower. Price: $2600.00 + gst per head.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

7th January 2025

  • 120 Holstein and odd xbred cows. Due to calve from approx 20th of March for 6 weeks to AI Wagyu sires. Medium to large framed cows that are predominately 2nd-4th calvers. Vendors complete run of Autumn cows – none retained. The herd averaged approx 610 kg’s of milk solids with an average cell count of 176. Located Northern Victoria. Price: $2500.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

7th January 2025

  • 40 xbred heifers, majority AI bred by Ascari and Heat. Due to calve from the 15th of March for 8 weeks to fixed time conventional Mr Right then followed up with Holstein bulls. Well grown vendor bred heifers, complete run of black and magpie coloured heifers. Only for sale due to vendor down sizing farms. Located South West Vic. Price: $1800.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724

6th January 2025

  • 100 Holstein Heifers, AI bred by leading industry sires, rising 2 years old. PTIC to Holstein sexed semen calving mid to late February 2025. Price: $2200.00 + gst per head. Also selling 150 Holsteins Heifers, AI bred by leading industry sires, rising 2 years. PTIC to Jersey bulls calving March 2025. Price: $2000.00 + gst per head . Both lines of heifers are well grown and present in good condition.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724, Ross Suares 0407 321 136 or Scott Lord 0407 325 713

4th January 2025

  • 20 Autumn calving Holstein Heifers. Complete line of vendor bred Holstein Heifers due to calve Feb & March. Heifers born and raised on the South Coast of NSW and then shifted to vendors property in the Central West NSW to grow out and mate. Well grown heifers in good condition displaying great type. From vendor bred herd – 100% AI for many years. By sires including Cadillac, Polaroid, Minnetonka, Spooky, 1st Class Boom. 11 heifers PTIC to sexed semen and balance PTIC to low weight Angus sire, located in Central West NSW. Price: $2750.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654 or Stuart Lockhart 0412 071 284


3rd January 2025

  • 106 Autumn calving A2/A2 Holstein Heifers. 34 due March, 36 due April, 36 due May. Heifers by sires to a high of +3036 GTPI & 1039 NM$. Majority of heifers are PTIC to sexed semen with the balance in calf to Holstein bulls. Heifers PTIC to sexed semen bred to sires with a high of +3,196 GTPI & 1,259 NM$. Wonderful opportunity to invest in a great line of Autumn Calving heifers with incredible genetic potential, surplus to vendors needs. Medium to large framed heifers presenting in terrific condition. The vendors have always maintained a strong focus on genetics, breeding for profitable cows and have used WWS/Select sires mate program for many years. Inspection will not disappoint!. Located Sydney NSW. Price: $2750.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654 or Stuart Lockhart 0411 071 284


10th December 2024

  • Stud Angus bulls with breed plan figures. Bulls available to suit both heifers and cows. Located at Undera. Price: $4000.00 + gst per head.

Please Contact Shaun Hamilton  0456 666 724

  • 90 top quality Holstein cows. Complete group of the vendors Autumn calving Holsteins. Sired by Maebull, Giles, Superdave and other top AI sires. Due to calve from the 20th of March through to the end of May. Joined to AI sires Varley, Pilbara, Montana and a small percentage to the Angus bull. The herd is currently sitting on 100 cell count and averaged 620kg’s of milk solids last year. A top group of cows. Located in North East Victoria. Price: $2400.00 + gst per head.

Please Contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724 or Johnathon Thomas 0417 389 260

22nd November 2024

  • 12 Holstein heifers PTIC to a Angus bull to calve late January. Very well grown heifers that will calve down at 28 months old. The heifers are by AI sires Dream Big, Hanno and Jagger and bred out of a registered herd. Located at Tatura. Price $2450.00 + gst per head.

Please Contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724


11th November 2024

  • 9 PTIC Registered Illawarra heifers. 4 due January, 4 due February, 1 due March. Wonderful type heifers presenting in excellent condition from a great registered Illawarra herd. Sires represented include ST Andrew’s Alliance, Riversleigh Tuck, Youngstar Gus & Creighton Park Elmo. Maternal lines include – Princess’s, Faith’s x 2, Sunstorm, Quiver’s x 3, Queenie and Melinda. PTIC to registered Illawarra bull’s Creighton Park Flipper X Elmo & Creighton Park Echi X St Andrews Alliance. Selling a/c Creighton Park Illawarra’s. Price: $2500.00 + gst per head. Located Denman NSW

Please contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654 or Stuart Lockhart 0411 071 284


1st November 2024

  • 215 registered Holstein cows and heifers backed by the best Australia and North American cows families and leading AI sires. 150 Holstein Cows- herd calves all year round. Ave 32 litres. Medium/large framed with splendid udders . Classified to Excellent- Price: $3500.00 + gst per head . Also selling 20 2-3 month old calves – Price: $600.00 + gst per head, 25 heifers approx 8-14 months old – Price: $1000.00 + gst per head, 20 heifers due March to June – Price $2000.00 + gst per head. Located Northern Victoria

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724 or Lee Hamilton 0418 352 366


30th October 2024

  • 60 Autumn calving Holstein cows. Due to calve from 13th of March through to the 25th of April to Varley and Eastern. The cows are 100% AI bred, sires include Amalfi, Mirand and Andreas. Quality cows that are still averaging 29 litres off grass and grain. Low average herd cell count. Inspection will not disappoint. Located Northern Victoria. Price: $2700.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724


30th September 2024

  • 35 Jersey heifers. Ranging in age from 5mths to 8mths old. A wonderful line of vendor bred heifers which will make great replacement cows in the future. Majority of heifers sired by Karmonaa Apollo Favian A2/A2 & Avi-Lanche Dsh Marcellus A2/A2. Small portion of the group sired by herd sire sons of Valentino & Oliver-P. These heifers are excess to vendor breeders needs. Located at Raleigh (Coffs Harbour) NSW. Price: $850+gst per head 


    Please contact Shane Oslear 0403 689 654

17th September 2024

  • 65 xbred and odd Holstein cows, Freshly calved since the 1st August, All cows are on their 1st-4th lactation and milking very well. Low average herd cell count. Neat udders, medium framed and all AI bred. Located Tintinara. Price: $2000.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724


  • 15 holstein cows and heifers on the point of calving to a Holstein bull. Last group of the Vendors unclaved Holsteins. Medium to large framed to be finished calving by the 10th October. Located Murchison. Price: $2200.00 + gst per head

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 66 724


  • A2-A2 commercial Holstein bulls. Bred out of a 12,000 litre herd. Large numbers available. Located Kyabram. Price: 1-4 bulls $2500.00 + gst per head, 5 or more bulls $2000.00 + gst per head.

Please contact Shaun Hamilton 0456 666 724