The ST Genetics Create the Future Sale represents a wonderful offering of All Breeds, the kind that will go on and further progress you breeding plans – definitely “Create The Future”
As you look through this tremendous catalogue you will find
We have sold outstanding young cows in milk along with in-calf and unjoined heifers with high GTPI, PTAT & DPR
This catalogue was a brilliant line-up of B & W Holsteins, R & W Holsteins, Jersey, Guernsey, Illawarra Ayrshire and Brown Swiss and you can see the wonderful results below
Here is the Breakdown of the Sale Averages”
24 Holstein Females Ave $7587.00
1 Brown Swiss Female Ave $8000.00
4 Illawarra Females Ave $6375.00
1 Guernsey Female Ave $10,500.00
2 Ayrshire Females Ave $7500.00
7 Jersey Females Ave $7185.00
Overall Average $7472.00
A wonderful result
Miami Heritage Sale Celebrating 70 years tops $12,000
Jersey enthusiasts from all over Australia were on farm at Cobrico or online via Stocklive bidding on the wonderful offering backed by 70 years of breeding by the Flemming Family.
Sale top of $12,000 was paid for Miami Grant Dawn 7371, VG 88 a 3 year old backed by 5/6 gens EX, this super dairylike, fine uddered young cow had many admirers and is bred from the Dawn family that has been part of Miami since 1957, she was purchased by Callum Moscript of First Class Genetics, Gippsland.
Next top of $10,000 was Miami Casino Fernleaf 7441, 88 @ 2yo, backed by 7 gens EX she had won Grand and Intermediate Champion of the recent Victorian State Show Camperdown and was purchased by Jade Sieben of Torrumbarry.
The EX 92 Miami Valbone Cowslip 5715 completing 4 gens EX was much admired for her tremendous frame and dairy character, she sold to Marks Bros, Winvarl, Dorrigo, NSW at $6,500. G & L Cochrane of NSW selected Miami Engineer Marie 5879, EX 91 at $6,000 and Miami Buzzbox Dawn 7453 a very smart 2 year old at $5,500. Also at $5,500 was Miami Matt Dawn 7481 another top 2 year old selling to C & B Thompson of Larpent.
Lot 1 Miami Jordan Empress 7363, VG 88 a very correct 3 year old sold at $5,000 to Ashtaney Jerseys, SA. The +339 BPI 4 year old Miami Ambition Cowslip 7273 sold at $5,000 to B & J Dickson. Kaarmona Jerseys also paid $5,000 for Miami Bob Murphy Snowdrop 7220, EX completing 3 gens EX. Gippsland breeders D & A Mathews selected Miami Matt Lilac 7373 at $5,000
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following –
44 Cows av $4,035
5 Autumn 25 calving heifers av $3,250
49 females av $3,955
2 Bulls av $2,500
Buyers were from all parts of Vic along with, SA & NSW.
Northern Spring Sensation Selection 2 tops at $13,200
An outstanding offering of Young Holstein Cows met with strong demand from buyers from four States at Shepparton.
Sale top of $13,200 was paid for Dryfield DD Tonio, VG 88, this 6 year old had recently placed 2nd in the On Farm competition and is backed by several gens of EX dams, she sold a/c Brurob to G & C Peatling of Katunga.
Next top at $11,000 was Mitchmantle Side Indiana, VG 87 a great young cow backed by 8 gens of EX & VG, she sold to R Zanders of Murchison who also selected her maternal sister Mitchmantle India 661, VG 86 by King Doc at $9,000.
Krishlaye Holsteins of Nereena paid $8,000 for Ingolmore Berlu Indiana, a 7 year old recently classified EX 92, this wonderful uddered cow was one of 8 maternal sisters that averaged $6,100.
Mitch Holsteins of Bamawn selected Mitchmantle Tatoo Carly 569, VG 89 at $6,500.
Jaguar Holsteins sold a fine line of cows including Rusty Red Roy Cretonne-Red, EX 90 at $5,750 to G & C Peatling and Jaguar Jagger Adeen, VG 87 at $5,700 to Gorbro Holsteins.
Gorgala Holsteins, Tongala sold an excellent group of cows that included Gorgala Sidekick Tiffany, VG 88 at $5,400 to S & L Coombes, NSW. Gorgala 1st G Shimmer at $5,200 to J & G Kenny & Sons who also selected Gorgala Sidekick Supreme 2, VG 86 at $5,000.
The fine young cow Gapsted Kingdoc Paradise, VG 87 milking 49 litres a/c M & F Harvey of Katunga sold at $5,000 to A Herbert.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
117 Holstein Cows av $3,710
The sale concluded with the final line of 23 yearling heifers from Sunshine Farm Jerseys, they sold to a top of $1,900 to av $1,122.
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria along with several from NSW and Qld.
Gilbert Guernseys top $21,000 twice !
The Gilbert Guernseys ‘End of an Era’ sale held recently at the Rochester, Vic, Showgrounds was another great event for the Guernsey Breed.
Vendors Colin and Elda Gilbert transported their Cows and Heifers from Western Australia to Victoria, they presented in tremendous form and were met with keen competition from buyers throughout Victoria, NSW, Qld, SA and Tasmania.
Sale top of $21,000 was reached twice and is the Breeds highest price paid in Australia for some thirty years. The 5 year old Gilbert PC Isla, EX 92, EX 95 mammary, major Show Champion and Gilbert LM Hitette, EX 90, 6 yo backed by the very strong Hetty maternal line both sold at $21,000 to Herriot Hill Guernseys of Evan Perkins, NSW.
Next top of $13,000 was paid for Gilbert Milos Thelma, GP 84 going to A & A Crawford, Numbaa, NSW. These buyers selected several top lots including the stylish yearling Gilbert Carver Hlee at $6,000.
Many keen judges were impressed with the VG 85 2 year old Gilbert JCP Hallie, this JC Penney daughter completed 8 gens VG and sold at $11,000 to S Tomkins of NSW. The famous Brookleigh herd in SA paid $10,500 for the amazing framed 4 year old Gilbert Milos Petulance, VG 86.
Other noted sales included Gilbert Sigrid 37, GP 84 backed by 11 gens EX & VG at $9,500 selling to M & P Gray, NSW. P & C Castles, Vic selected Gilbert Sigrid 42, a heifer due to calve in Autumn 25 from an EX 90 dam completing 10 gens EX & VG at $7,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
27 Cows av $6,105
17 Joined Heifers av $4,060
7 Unjoined Heifers av $5,000
51 Guernseys av $5,271
Victories of View Fort Holsteins to All States in Australia along with NZ and Ireland.
A huge crowd were at the farm of the Templeton Family, Dixie, Western Victoria on Friday 8th November for the Victories of View Fort Sale.
Top price was early in the sale when lot 3, the 2 year old Avonlea Lambda Alexis, VG 86 and bred from 4 gens EX sold at $28,000 to Busybrook Holsteins, New Zealand. Next top of $26,000 was paid for the Autumn 2025 calving heifer View Fort Lambda Dottie, this daughter of IDW Supreme Champion View Fort Dictator Dottie, EX 93 sold to Glomar Holsteins and Amy Stringer of Sale, Vic. This partnership also selected the correct unjoined yearling View Fort Dropbox Teeter bred from the famed Tiffany family at $12,000.
Darren Crawford, NSW selected the next 2 top lots in View Fort Hanky Panky a super smart Autumn 2025 calving heifer bred from the USA, Triple T ‘P’ family at $24,000 and the 6 month old daughter of the current Vic Winter Fair Champion Rockwood Park Atley Cretonne, EX 93 cow in View Fort Pazzle Cretonne at $23,000.
The recently classified VG 88 3 year old View Fort Lambda Oak met strong bidding and sold at $19,000 to C Cowan of NSW. The same buyer also selected the super uddered 2 year old View Fort Chief Quality, VG 86 at $10,000. View Fort Tatoo Dallas an autumn calving rising 2 year old grand daughter of the Dottie, EX 93 cow sold at $17,000 to L Gardiner & Gorbro.
Several lots sold at $15,000 these included View Fort Haniko Hammer due in the Autumn to A & S Barron, Qld. View Fort Damion Dejavu, a classy unjoined daughter of Dictator Dottie, EX 93 to K & H Jones, Vic, View Fort DBig Robina, VG 85, a super 2 year old milking heifer selling to Pouw Family, Vic and View Fort Tatoo Pink another VG 86 2 year old going to B & A Tweedle, SA.
New Zealand buyers Brad and Nicole Parkes selected the 1 month old heifer calf View Fort Pace Cincinatti from the EX 93 Goldwyn Cinnamin 2 cow at $12,000. View Fort Sidekick Jericho a classy yearling from the IDW Grand Champion Avonlea Reginald Jacobonia, EX 91 also sold at $12,000 to Gorbro Holsteins. The last lot of the day the 8 month old heifer View Fort Dropbox Satin also sold at $12,000 to NJ Farms, NSW.
Other noted sales included View Fort Dropbox Squirt a 7 month old heifer bred from 2 EX dams from the Spot family sold at $11,500 to Walden Farming, NSW. View Fort Lamb Rack an Autumn calving daughter of Murribrook Meridian Roxette, EX 92 at $11,000 to Paulger Family, Qld. Avonlea Solomon Ruth 2, VG 87 at $10,000 to Rockstar Holsteins, NSW.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
23 Cows av $9,091
15 Heifers due Autumn av $10,120
1 unborn heifer at $9,000
6 Unjoined heifers av $8,585
17 2024 born heifers av $8,355
10 Joined yearlings av $5,100
1 close heifer at $4,500
72 Holsteins av $8,470
2 Jerseys av $6,750
74 lots gross $623,300 Av $8,425
Buyers were from All States in Australia along with New Zealand and Ireland.
Whitegold Pedigrees in the Pecans Sale tops $10,500
Buyers from throughout NSW, Victoria and Qld were keen to secure the fine Holstein and Jerseys offered by M & A Rood and S & J Mirtschin at the Pedigrees in the Pecans Sale on farm at Aberdeen, NSW.
Sale top of $10,500 was paid by Latham and Hurrell of Comboyne for Whitegold Apple Crisp Satin-Red, VG 88, this 5 year old is backed by 2 EX dams. The same buyers also selected Whitegold Redapple Satin-Red, EX 90 completing 3 gens EX at $9,000 and Whitegold Tatoo Satin, VG 87 completing 9 gens EX & VG at $7,200.
M Robertson of Maxmount Holsteins, Vic selected Whitegold Diamond Satin-Red, VG 89 due to Hulu at $8,500. Also at $8,500 was Parrabel Whitegold Awesome Seisme-Red, VG 89 selling to M Meyland of Vic.
Local Breeder Paul Schubert paid $7,500 for the yearling heifer Whitegold Parrabel Redlight Satin-Red and $6,200 for Whitegold Supreme Heights also bred down from Seisme-Red, EX 97.
Other noted sales included Whitegold Allnight Satin-Red a yearling backed by 8 gens EX & VG at $6,500 to J Cawcutt of Vic and $6,000 for Whitegold Miss Chief Satin selling to R Wilson of Jamberoo.
Top selling Jersey at $5,000 was Whitegold Prime T Delight, EX 91 selling to M & M Hassett.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following –
40 Holsteins av $4,756
21 Jerseys av $2,993
Top Selling cow below
Ambrewlea Holsteins top $6,750.
A large crowd of interested Dairy folk were at the Colac Selling Centre for the Complete Dispersal sale of the recently named Master Breeder herd, Ambrewlea of Brett Cirillo.
Sale top of $6,750 was paid by local breeder Brad Salmon for Ambrewlea Unstopabull Emerald-Red, this 3 year old was from an EX , 4E dam.
Zac Anderson selected Ambrewlea Harley Vicki-Red, a 2 year old milking heifer with a fine udder backed by a VG 88 then 2 EX dams at $4,300. Also at $4,300 was Ambrewlea Incredibull Leena-Red, VG 89 selling to J Smart.
J Hand selected Ambrewlea McApple Jacinta-Red, VG 86 at $4,100 while the Ewing Family of Tarone also paid $4,100 for Ambrewlea Rose LG 71-Red.
Ambrewlea also sold a few Jerseys selling to $4,800 for 5 year old Casino.
Invited vendors Instyle Holsteins of B & E Thomas consigned a great line of young cows including Instyle Doorman Tilly, a freshly calved 3 year old at $5,400 and Kaloola Solomon Folly at $4,000 to B Salmon.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Elders report 98 Cows av $2,785.
Breeders from throughout Victoria, NSW and Qld were buying at the Beauties From The Bush Spring Sale held at the Colac Selling Centre on October 1st.
Sale top of $9,500 was reached twice when Rusty Red 2349 Redlight Ivy-Red, a 3 year old from a VG Diamondback then backed by 10 direct gens of EX sold to H Fleming of Timboon.
Also at $9,500 was Rusty Red Lucky Licorice another fine uddered dry 3 year old, she was sired by Analyst from a VG 89 Awesome bred down from Rockymountain Talent Licorice, EX 95, she was purchased by Paul Schubert of Muswellbrook, NSW.
Other noted sales from the Jennings Family included Rusty Red 2645 Burgandy Becky-Red, a 1st calf 2 year old grand daughter of the Becky-Red, EX 90 R & W Grand Champion of the 2017 Vic Winter Fair at $6,000 she sold to D Walters of Mepunga. Wigley 2477 Doctor Lustre at $4,800 to D & M Lee of Terang, these buyers also selected Rusty Red 2653 Reeve Lilac-Red at $4,750. N Nieuwenhuizen paid $4,600 for a wonderful uddered 3 year old, Wigley Mirand Missy.
Guest vendors The Points Holsteins sold a fine line of milking 2 year olds these topped at $4,200 for The Points Sidekick Jill selling to D & E Fleming of Hiamdale in Gippsland who selected several top young cows including Blueprint Tatoo Topsy 283 from Dave Weel at $4,250. Anthony Glennen sold Trademark Landslide Lady, VG a grand daughter of Morty Lady 51, EX 97 for $4,200 selling to S & L Coombes, NSW.
A package of 5 IVF embryos by Alpha from Jacot Isla-Red, VG the dam of the 2024 R & W Intermediate Champion Vic Winter Fair sold at $7,500 to Clydevale Holsteins.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report –
71 Holstein Cows av $3516
2 Jersey cows av $2,300
1 Embryo package at $7,500.
Northern Spring Selection Sale tops $8,000
Holstein Breeders from throughout Northern Victoria along with one from SA sold an exceptional offering of deep pedigree young cows and close up heifers at Shepparton Selling Centre on September 19.
Sale top of $8,000 was paid for the youthful uddered 8 year old cow True Blue O’Kaliber Jolene, EX 90, her dam True Blue Dempsey Jolene, EX 91, 4E is one of 3 EX Full sisters and indeed 6 EX maternal sisters from Ponderosa Shottle Jodie, VG 88, 10 SBC, next dam is the famous Canadian cow Fradon R Mark Jodie-Red, EX 91, 14 SBC. Buyer of this fine cow was Eclipse Holsteins.
The True Blue herd of T & M Somerville sold a great group and also included True Blue Ledame Jodie, a very correct young cow backed by 13 gens EX & VG at $5,000 selling to S & L Coombes, NSW. True Blue Lynch Jodette, VG 87, 11,352 litres at $4,500 to G & N Ryder. True Blue Control Scarlet, VG 89, 11,245 litres to A Herbert and True Blue Antidote Scarlet-Red at $4,200 to P Schubert of NSW.
Among the strong buyers was A Herbert who also selected Clydevale Poldark Petrichor a 3 year old from the Dees milking 55 litres daily at $4,500. Melaleuca Impression Latana, VG from B & J Somerville at $4,300. Somerelle Pep Rose, VG from Scott Somerville at $4,400 and Louie Park Crush Cristybell a super milky young cow from C Mitchell at $4,200.
Krishlaye Holsteins from Gippsland purchased Holloddon King Corrine 2869 a mart King Doc heifer backed by 10 gens EX & VG dams at $5,600 from J & N Holland. W & E Balcombe of Dreeite selected Avonlea High Octane Melinda, VG 86 milking 54 litres at $4,750 from B Fuller, Newhope Holsteins.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report
104 Holsteins gross $329,350.00 for Average $3,167.00
Av $3,167
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria along with several in NSW & Qld.
Pic of Top lot attached
Lerida Park Jerseys top $11,500
The Complete Dispersal Sale of the Milking Herd and Spring calving Heifers of Lerida Park Jerseys on farm at Princetown met with strong competition from the large crowd and big online gallery for vendors Rhys and Lauren Smethurst. The Lerida Park herd is ranked # 12 Nationally for gBPI and has been a Platinum Production herd for decades. The balance of high production and outstanding type was appreciated by all in attendance.
Sale top of $11,500 was paid for Lerida Park Raceway Sabina 78, recently classified EX 91 (max score for a 3 year old) This wonderful uddered young cow completes 5 gens EX and was purchased by Smethurst Park Holsteins and now Jerseys of Athlone. Troy Smethurst (2nd cousin of the vendor) decided to take the opportunity of this dispersal to establish his Jersey section of the herd with the very best of many decades of selective breeding and keep the bloodlines in the family. Also among his purchases were Lerida Park Pilgrim Rose 419, EX 93 and over 8,000 litres at $10,000. Lerida Park Algernon Rosebud 504, EX 91 (max) at $8,000, Lerida Park Malachi Rose 406, EX 92 with 421 kgs fat at $7,500 and Lerida Park Valentino Countess 418, EX 91, Lerida Park Aramac Sabina 71, EX 91 and Lerida Park Chromes Sandy, EX 90 all at $7,000 each. Indeed these selections will form a wonderful foundation for the Jersey section of what is already a tremendous herd of cows.
Third high seller at $9,250 was Lerida Park Tahbilk Lucy 182, EX 92, 387 kgs fat selling to Corey Couch of Laang. Progressive Breeders Cameron Thompson and his sister Lisa McKay teamed up to purchase the great young cow Lerida Park Stux Rose 424, EX 90 at $9,000. Also at $9,000 was Lerida Park Malachi Countess 409, EX 92, 8,460 litres selling to R Salter of Kerang.
The deep pedigree 6 year old Lerida Park Eclipse Selley 2 (ET) a daughter of Royal Show Champion Fleurieu Astound Selly, EX 93 also reached $9,000 selling to Couch and Ferrari Syndicate.
Other noted sales included Lerida Park Chrome Sabina 74, EX at $8,250 going to G & L Bryce of Green Pines Jerseys of Nullawarre, they also selected Lerida Park Woodside Rosemaree 226 the top selling joined heifer at $7,000, she is from an EX 91 Valentino dam. Lerida Park Valergo Lucy, EX 91, Lerida Park Aramac Rose 432, EX 90 and Lerida Park Craze Rosebud 512 all at $6,750 while Lerida Park Aramac Lucy 198, EX 91, Lerida Park Casino Rosemaree 211, EX 90, Lerida Park Casino Rosemaree 209, VG 88 and Lerida Park Craze Rosebud 519 all made $6,500 each.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
167 cows av $3,805
24 Spring calving heifers av $3,645
191 Jerseys gross $722,600, Av $3,785.
Brurob Holsteins sell to four States.
Holstein enthusiasts from throughout Northern Victoria, South Australia, NSW and Queensland bid freely to secure the 103 outstanding young Holstein cows offered by the Hiscock Family at their 2nd Stage Major Dispersal Sale of Brurob Holsteins.
The sale offering was currently milking 38 litres with a cell count of 16.
Sale top of $6,200 was paid by Alan Dennis and Family of Calivil for Brurob Tatoo Betsyann, this 4 year old recently classified VG 86 completing 10 gens of EX & VG and is bred from the famed Cha-Hol Betsyann family. The same buyers also purchased Brurob Kingdoc Betsyann, VG 86 from the same maternal line at $5,600.
Neville and Simon Wilkie of Crookslea Holsteins, Bacchus Marsh purchased the tremendous young cow, Brurob Tatoo Prima, GP 83 at $5,700, this 2nd lact cow was milking 46 litres and sported a great udder.
NSW Breeders Stephen Coombes and Family of Attunga selected several top young cows including Brurob Radio Slide the 2023 Grand Champion of the All Breeds Youth Show at IDW for $5,200 and at the same price selected Brurob Dropkick Betsyann who was milking 51 litres.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
45 2nd lactation cows av $3,902
58 1st lactation heifers av $3,347.
103 Holsteins gross $369,750 Av $3,590.
Eclipse Sensation Sale 1X
A wonderful offering of mostly milking young cows supported by a select group of yearlings and embryo packages offered by Master Breeder Richard Hull met strong demand from throughout Victoria, NSW, SA and WA with a large number going to repeat Eclipse buyers.
Sale top of $15,000 was paid by long time Eclipse buyers S & L Coombes of Attunga, NSW when they purchased Eclipse Altitude D August-Red, VG 87. This 2nd lactation fine uddered cow was from a VG 89 dam then 9 gens of EX and promises a great future for her new owners. These buyers also selected Eclipse Kingdoc Frosty a recently scored EX 90 member of the Roy Frosty family at $7,600 along with several other fine young cows.
Second top of $13,000 was the amazing uddered young cow Eclipse Moovin S Cinderella, VG 88 backed by the Roxy family, she sold to D Walters of Mepunga East who already owns her EX 90 dam.
Next top of $11,000 was reached twice when Eclipse Jagger Adeena, VG 86 on 1st lact sold to View Fort Holsteins of Dixie.
While the cover cow Eclipse Jagger 09 Princess 11, VG 87 on 1st lact made same money selling to Ravenhill Pastoral of Narrikup, WA. These buyers also purchased the top embryo package at $1350 per embryo for 6 Praspects from Murribrook Octane Candace, VG 88.
J Hand of Larpent paid $9,000 for the great young cow Eclipse Altitude Jenn, VG 89 and R Zanders selected Eclipse Moovin Alt Princess 111-Red at $7,250.
Top selling unjoined heifer at $6,000 was the stylish Eclipse Wichman Cindy 9901, a daughter of the Moovin S Cinderella, VG 88 cow, she went to the high performance Gorbro herd.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following –
38 Cows & Milking Heifers av $5,346
12 Unjoined yearling heifers av $3,566
6 Embryo packages av $5,533
4 Straws of Moovin sold at $300 each.
Cream Of The Crop tops $18,500
The Cream Of The Crop Sale was held online via Stocklive with a top of $18,500 for the 2nd Choice selection of calves due in July from the 2022 & 23 Grand Champion of the All American Jersey Show, Rivendale VIP Eloise, EX 93 selling to John Tarpey of Ireland.
Next top of $14,500 was for the 1st Choice of calves due in October by Alligator from Miss Lambda Footloose inturn from the WDE Grand Champion Oakfield Solomon Footloose, EX 97 selling to A & C Coombes of Long Flat, NSW.
Lightning Ridge TR Hulu Snapple-Red, a 3 month old heifer sold at $7,250 to J Tarpey, Ireland.
K & T Walters and Family of Kindred, Tasmania selected the Jan 2024 born Kit Chief Candace 2, a daughter of Murribrook Doorman Candace, EX 91 at $7,000.
Also at $7,000 was Lightning Ridge MB Casino Love Lies, a daughter of the EX 93 Jersey cow Brookbora PGR Valentino Love Lies selling to C Davis of Longwarry North.
Top selling embryos at $1,600 per embryo were Jaggers from Murribrook Goldwyn Candace, EX 93 to J Cawcutt of Ripplebrook.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 21 lots av $7,085.
Faith Jerseys top at $4,600
The Complete Dispersal Sale of Faith Jerseys of Vince Younger topped at $4,600 for Warrain Jeronimo Roma 2, this rising 4 year old due in September to Victorious sold to strong buyers throughout the sale, Salter and Griffiths of Kerang.
These buyers also purchased Warrain David Nellie, a great young cow at $4,500, Warrain Apollo Love Lies 2 at $4,000, Warrain Apollo Dream at $4,000 and Cairnbrae Quins Melanie also at $4,000.
Josh Morris of Lance Creek selected the equal second top price cow Warrain Invincible Love Lies 4 at $4,500.
G Cochrane of Barrengarry, NSW selected several top young cows including Cairnbrae Bernies Benita at $4,000.
Also sold in the sale was the Commercial Holsteins and Cross Bred cows and Spring calving heifers selling to a top of $3,200.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
53 Registered Jerseys av $2,420
Overall 172 lots gross $321,800.
Buyers were from most parts of Victoria along with NSW.
Brookbora 60th Anniversary Edition Sale Tops $30,000
An incredible crowd of interested folk from all over Australia and New Zealand were at Tennyson for the Brookbora 60th Anniversary Edition Invitation Sale hosted by Master Breeders, the Bacon Family.
Sale top was buyers choice Lot 1 A & B at $30,000 with the buyer John Lindsay of Hastings Jerseys of Huntingdon, NSW selecting Brookbora Casino Sandy, EX 92. This 5 year old sold due in September to Bushfield and had won Reserve Champion cow NSW State Show last Spring. This same buyer also selected Brookbora Dainty 310, EX 93, a 5 yo completing 7th generations EX at $15,000 and Brookbora Standard Lady 324, EX 91 by Casino at $10,000.
Second high of the sale was Brookbora Golden Glory 194, EX 92 at $18,500, this wonderful cow from the show team sold to Ashtaney Jerseys, the Koch Family of Moculta, South Australia.
The current Intermediate Champion form the Gippsland Fair, Brookbora Oliver Sleeping Beauty 3, EX 90 sold for $16,000 to Craigielea Jerseys of Bamawn.
The number 1 gBPI heifer in the Breed Craigielea Vicky 6682 at +458, a daughter of the # 1 BPI cow also sold at $16,000 to Jugiong Jerseys and Dr M Crawford. The outstanding young cow Brookbora Askn Countess 2, VG 88 Max sold at $14,500 to Rockstar Jerseys of Cobargo, NSW.
Reid and Egan selected Brookbora Golden Glory 197, EX 91, a recent Show Champion at $14,000. The Western Victorian bred cow Lerida Park Matt Sabina 73, EX 91, Max also sold at $14,000 from the Smethurst family, Princetown to Brookbora Jerseys. The same buyers also selected Shirlinn Roulette Dawn 2, a winner from Sydney Royal Show at $11,000.
Araluen Park Starlord Molly 2, a tremendous uddered young cow with a BPI of +371 sold a/c Saunders & Day at $13,000 to G & N Akers, Loxleigh Jerseys, Tallygaroopna. Also at $13,000 was the extra milky young cow Jackiah Victorious Silverbelle 3196, EX a/c S Reid selling to the Watts Family of Pyree, NSW. The same buyers also purchased Brookbora Love Lies 839, a VG 87 2 year old with over 400 kgs fat at $12,000 and Warrion Canary 356 a great young cow by Jeronimo at $10,000 from Sara Chant.
R & K Anderson of Kings Ville Jerseys purchased the much admired young cow Langdale Grant Rosella backed by decades of EX dams at $12,000 from D & A Mathews. Also at $12,000 was the unjoined heifer Brookbora Woodside Charo selling to R Wilson of Jamber Jerseys, NSW.
Marks Bros of Winvarl Jerseys, NSW selected the great young cow Brookbora Craze Flora, EX 90 at $10,000. Jugiong Jerseys purchased Brookbora Love Lies 804 a 6th gen EX 4 year old also at $10,000.
The famous Canadian Avonlea herd added Brookbora Love Lies 900-P, a daughter of the EX 94 Love Lies 723 to their program also at $10,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from all States except WA along with Canada.
Presentation of the sale lots and sale facilities were simply outstanding and a great credit to all involved.
The Brookbora Sale will go down in history as one of the great Jersey events of all time in Australia.
They report the following details –
28 Cows av $10,445
16 Joined Heifers av $6,625
24 Unjoined Heifers av $5,250
2 Unborn Calves av $6,100
70 Jerseys gross $531,800
Av $7,600
Beauties From The Bush tops $12,000
The annual Beauties From The Bush Sale held on farm at Chapple Vale in South Western Victoria for the Jennings Family and invited vendors met with strong demand.
Sale top of $12,000 was paid for the very last lot in the sale, Rusty Red 2320 Mirand Suzanne-Poll, this 2nd lactation daughter of Mirand-PP is from a VG 86 Doorman then an EX 92 Destry and an EX 91 Roy.
Second sale top of $8,500 was for Wigley Altitude Princess-Red, a 2nd lact grand daughter of the famed Damion G Princess, EX, she was purchased by Paul Schubert of Musswellbrook, NSW. The same buyer also selected Rusty Red Lightsout Georgia-Red a fresh 2 year old from the 2010 IDW R & W Grand Champion Rusty Red Liner Georgie-Red, EX 92, 5E at $6,500 and $6.400 for her sister Rusty Red Unstopabull Georgie 2354-Red.
Local Breeders Hallyburton Farms paid $5,600 for Emu Banks Ferraro Villa 12864, a fresh fancy uddered grand daughter of Murribrook Goldwyn Verbena, EX 92, 11 SBC.
Kerr Farming of Cobden selected Wigley Doc Rosie a top young cow from an EX Duckett-SA Fremont dam at $5,100. Another local Breeder N Nieuwenhuizen paid the same money for Rusty Red Light Georia-Red.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report the sale average of $3,660 for a total clearance with buyers from Western Vic, Northern Vic and NSW.
Busybrook Holsteins Top $63,000
The much anticipated Busybrook Obsession Sale held on farm in North Otago, New Zealand for Nathan and Amanda Bayne created much interest from Holstein enthusiasts.
Sale top of $63,000 was paid for the 2 week old heifer calf by Delta Lambda from the 2022 World Dairy Expo Supreme Champion Oakfield Solom Footloose, EX 97, USA. This lot and 12 others are based at Robsvue Holsteins, South Australia, she was purchased after a long bidding war by Darren Crawford of NSW. The same buyer also selected the 2 week old heifer calf by Delta Lambda from MS Beautys Black Velvet, EX 96, the All American Aged Cow of 2021 & 2022 at $27,000 and Busybrook Apple NYC-Red a 12 month Unstopabull grand daughter of Apple-Red, EX 96 at $13,500.
Other noted sales of lots based in Australia included a pick of full sisters to the Royal Winter Fair Supreme Champion Blondin RD Unstopabull Maple-Red, EX 94 due to be born in September 2024 at $18,000 to C Allen of Cobargo, NSW. $17,000 for Busybrook Chief Lemagic, a 2 month old daughter of Comestar Lamagic Impression, EX 93 selling to Misty Brae Holsteins, SA. Busybrook Apple Blossom-Red, a 3 year old direct daughter of Apple-Red, EX 96 sold to J Jennings and J Van Dyk of Chapple Vale, Vic at $15,000.
Topping the lots in New Zealand at $35,000 was first choice heifer due in June by Lambda from Kingsway Caught A Vibe, the 2023 Junior Champion at World Dairy Expo and backed by a further 3 gens of All American winners purchased by Full On Farming, North Island.
$23,000 for Busybrook Lamda Barbra a direct daughter of 2019 World Dairy Expo Grand Champion, Gold Barbara, EX 96, she was due in July to Dropbox. $21,000 for Busybrook Lambda Shakira also due to Dropbox, she is from a VG 87 daughter of Shakira, EX 97.
Many Breeders were full of praise on the red heifer Busybrook Jordy Beauty bred down from Rainyridge Talent Barbara, EX 95 selling at $21,000 and Busybrook Lambda Apple who sold at $20,000.
Auctioneer at the sale was Brian Leslie OAM, agents in NZ were PGG Wrightson and for the Australian lots Dairy Livestock Services, they report 134 Holsteins gross $1,251,700 to average $9,341
Rockvale and Elms Park Jerseys go to three States.
Buyers from all parts of Victoria, the Far South Coast of NSW and Qld were buying throughout the recent Rockvale and Elms Park Jersey heifer sale at Colac.
Sale top of $4,250 was paid for Rockvale Pet 5673, a Casino daughter selling to A & S Chant.
Next high of $4,000 was reached twice when F Woods of Qld selected 2 heifers both by Vanahlem in Rockvale Buttercup 5658 from a VG Oliver-P dam and Rockvale Dainty Lass 5683.
The Camo Jersey herd of the Hallyburton Family paid $3,750 for Rockvale Illusion 5667 an Altacajun daughter. C Davis of Gippsland paid $3,700 for Rockvale Fairlady 5660 a David daughter.
Worboys Farming Group of Cobden purchased Elms Park Matt Gran 654 a Matt daughter for $2,800 and Elms Park Dusty 699 at $2,700.
Gippsland breeder W Lace selected Elms Park Grant Gran 652 from an EX 90 Casino dam at $2750.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report 77 Jersey Heifers av $2,556.
Warrain Final Sale tops $13,000
Jersey Breeders from all parts of Victoria were at Warrain Jerseys, Numurkah for the final stage Complete Dispersal Sale along with many online from around Australia.
Sale top of $13,000 was paid for Warrain Matt Empress 9, this big 2 ½ yo heifer is from Galvanize Empress 4, EX 92, then Vanahlem Empress 3, EX 91, she was purchased by A & S Chant of Elms Park Jerseys.
Next top lot at $7,000 was reached twice when Warrain Casino Lovelies 7 backed by 3 gens EX sold to Darryn Vale Jerseys of D Hourigan. Also at this figure was Warrain Matt Narcissus from a 3rd gen EX Tbone dam with 761 kgs solids, she sold to S & K Whitten of Halston, these buyers also selected Warrain Sturgis Lovelies from an EX 91 Vanahlem dam with 8,251 litres at $6,250.
M & S Thompson of Bamawn were strong buyers throughout the sale and among their selections was Warrain Matt Jill from an EX 92 dam with 9,120 litres at $6,500.
The noted Jugiong herd paid $6,000 for Warrain Casino Empress 12 while the Schintler Family near Corryong selected Warrain Boys Love Kiss at the same money.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 40 Heifers av $4,761.
They all report that over the 4 Dispersal sales, 402 Jerseys gross from John and Margaret Cockerell gross $1,786, 250 to av $4,445
Restdown Brown Swiss Final sale Tops $7,200
Brown Swiss enthusiasts from all over Australia bid throughout the final Restdown Dispersal Sale to secure heifers and young cows.
Sale top of $7,200 was paid for Restdown Dairystar Luscious, this heifer was from a Hurvinek dam back to the Lola family, she sold to G Meyland of Waaia. Same buyer also selected Restdown Fast Encore, a great young cow from an EX dam with over 12,000 litres at $5,100.
Sharing next top price at $6,000 was Restdown Biver Sarajevo and Restdown Omalley Nanda 7087, both heifers backed by many gens of VG dams were purchased by Loxby Brown Swiss of Perkins and Evans.
The Sherbrooke herd selected Restdown Omalley Sally bred from the Sarajevos at $5,500.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report
50 registered Brown Swiss av $3,330
4 Grades av $2,437
54 Brown Swiss av $3,265.
The Final Chapter Dispersal Sale for Murribrook was held on farm at Moss Vale, NSW for long time Master Breeder Murray Sowter.
Sale top of $19,000 was paid by Tasmanian Breeders, Southwick Holsteins, Olivia Millhouse for Murribrook Solomon Cher. This correct heifer sold due to Bullseye and is from a VG 87 Windhammer dam from Goldwyn Candace, EX 93, IDW & Sydney Champion.
Next top of $18,000 was Murribrook Chief Lexi, a stunning heifer from Doorman Lexi, EX backed by the popular Skychief Lola family, she was purchased by Gorbro Holsteins, Vic.
Third high of $12,000 was Murribrook Lambda Char a yearling daughter of Goldwyn Candace, EX 93, she sold to Jones Family, Cypress Grove Holsteins, Foster, Vic. The same buyer also selected her full sister Lambda Casino at $10,000 along with Murribrook Sidekick Cabernet backed by 7 EX & VG dams back to Belroux Storm Cristal, EX 96 also at $10,000.
Bransgrove and Olsen from Neerim, Vic purchased top lots including Murribrook Diamond Raven bred from the Durham Robina, EX 92 line, Murribrook Sidekick Gaynor bred from 8 gens EX & VG from the Gails and Murribrook Chief LIcorice backed by the Savage-Leigh Licorice, EX 92 family all at $10,000 each.
Bronwen Russell of Buffalo, Vic paid $10,000 for the outstanding Murribrook Lambda Candace, a daughter of Octane Candace, VG 88 while Eloora Past Co, NSW also paid $10,000 for Murribrook Crushabull Pearl.
Embryos were also in strong demand with a top of $1500 per IVF embryo for Bullseyes from Windbrook Robina.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
43 Heifers av $6,872
11 Embryo packages av $6091
54 lots gross $362,500
Buyers were from All States of Australia.
It is interesting to note that over the 6 Dispersal Sales at Murribrook since October 2020, 541 Holsteins have sold through the ring to gross $3,561,400 and average $6,583.
Hot at Sunshine Farm Dispersal.
Temperatures rose to 40 degrees, there was a big crowd in the air conditioned sale shed, the cows looked great and the competition was hot too at the Milking Herd Dispersal Sale for Janelle McDonald on farm at Kyabram of Sunshine Farm Jerseys established 53 years by the late Neville McDonald.
Sale top of $10,500 was reached late in the sale when Sunshine Farm Kim 6, VG 88 sold to Jett Easterbrook of Tatura, this mighty young cow completed 16 gens of EX & VG bred back through the noted Edi Kims back to the Heather View Kims of NZ, she was one of many wonderful young cows sold sired by Loxleigh David Ivan 6235.
$10,000 was reached three times through the sale when Sunshine Farm Fowler 14, VG 88, a 3 year old Valentino completing 10 gens EX & VG sold to Jaynaela Jerseys of Byrneside. Sunshine Farm Finch 11, VG 88, a 4 year old Valentino grand daughter of former Brisbane Royal Supreme Champion Kenarie Jade Finch, EX sold at the same figure to Fantasia Past Co of Mt Gambier, SA. Also at $10,000 was Sunshine Farm Lovely 337, a correct 2 year old Valentino from an EX 90 David Ivan dam bred from the very strong Lovely family, she sold to Phil Daniel and Family of Nathalia. This same buyer also selected Sunshine Farm Lovely 333, another top 2 year old by Jackiah Mania 9174 at $8,000.
Salter & Griffiths of Barringa Jerseys, Kerang selected several cows through the sale including Sunshine Farm Kim 7, VG 88, a 3 year old full sister to the top selling lot at $9,000 along with Sunshine Farm Lovely 323 by Craze at $8,000 and Sunshine Farm Fowler 11, EX 91 by Valentino at $7,000.
Many keen judges were full of praise on the 2 year old Valentino Sunshine Farm Cherry 183, she sold at $9,000 to Jaynaela Jerseys..
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
89 Cows av $3,771.00
1 Bull at $2,500.00
1 embryo package at $800.00
4 baby heifer calves av $765.00
95 Jerseys gross $342,000.00 Av $3,600.00
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria, South Australia and Northern and Southern NSW.
Top of $10,000 at Junnash Holsteins
Karl and Kristy Cash of Lancaster offered a fine line up of deep pedigree cows at Shepparton recently to meet strong competition.
Sale top of $10,000 was reached at the Junnash Production Sale for Bluechip Diamond D Daisy, VG 89, this top cow is from a VG Destry dam then 9 gens EX from the famed Apple family, she sold to G & C Peatling of Katunga. Same buyers also selected Andes Mayfield Julie, VG 89 at $7,000 and Haven View Solomon Della 2, VG at $4,600.
Rokalove Holsteins of Katandra selected Westmuir Byway Ambition, VG 87 at $5,000 while Quality Ridge Holsteins paid $4,750 for Haven View Solomon Desiree, VG 87 bred from the legendary Ding family.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 66 Holsteins av $3,333.
STG Create The Future sale at IDW tops $36,000.
Highest average seen in Australia for Multi Breed Sale.
Yet again the STG Create The Future Sale at IDW saw a magnificent crowd on site at Tatura along with over 770 viewing online at Stocklive from around the World.
Sale top was lot 1 Avonlea Master Vee, VG, this 2nd lactation cow had been Intermediate Champion at the 2023 Sydney Royal Show and is backed by the famed Murribrook Vickie/Carmar Dixie maternal line. She sold a/c Gavenlock & Polson to Antvale Cattle Co of Ellenborough, NSW.
Second top lot at $22,000 was Llandovery Lambda Shakira (Imp.ET) this correct July 23 born heifer by Delta Lambda is from a VG daughter of the 2023 WDE Supreme Champion, Shakira, EX 97 and sold a/c Zoe Hayes to the Jones Family, Cypress Grove Holsteins, Foster, Vic.
Sharing the third high of the Holsteins at $18,000 was Gorbro Hanno Princess an added entry who had just Won Supreme Junior Champion of IDW and was backed by 7 EX & VG dams, she sold a/c Gorbro Holsteins to Maxmount, Smethurst Park & McDonald Park Holsteins of Athlone, Vic. Also at this price was the red heifer, Scotts Creek Unstopabull Miranda-Red (Imp.ET), this 9 month old heifer is a direct daughter of Global Cow of the year Calbrett Kingboy Miranda, EX 93, she sold a/c T Lindquist to M & K Walpole of Yalca.
Robsvue Not Five (Imp.ET) the correct grand daughter of the World record priced Doc Have Not 8784, EX 96 offered by R & B Walmsley, SA sold at $17,000 to Wootanga Park Dairy of Orford, Vic.
The current Adelaide Royal Supreme All Breeds Junior Champion, Grantley Sidekick Fifi backed by 6 gens of big production EX & VG dams sold a/c Grant Liebelt, SA at $16,000 to Staley Farms, Vic. Also at this figure was the correct Elmar Davinci Jessica 5185 from an EX 95 Mammary dam backed by the leading Jessica family, she sold a/c Elmar Farms to A Peatling of Toolamba.
Scotts Creek Altitude Asparagus-Red (Imp.ET) backed by 9 gens of EX dams from the Apple family, sold a/c T Lindquist at $15,000 to G & C Peatling of Katunga.
Among the many noted ribbon winners from IDW to sell was the Intermediate Champion Brown Swiss, Tandara Dairystar Lola 99, VG 86 on 1st lact, she sold a/c Tandara Genetics at $18,000 to Loxby Brown Swiss, Vic.
The Intermediate Champion Ayrshire was yet another of the winners to be included as a late entry, Jalks Blink Skye a/c Peter Edmonds & Family, SA and met spirited bidding to be knocked down at $15,000 to Boldview Farms, SA. Other noted Ayrshire sales included the Hon Men Intermediate Champion Bellewood Ringer Joyce 3, VG 86 selling a/c J Jennings at $11,000 to Pat Buckley, NSW and the high production backed 5 month heifer Bluegum Park Reynolds Maggie a/c J Mathews also at $11,000 to Ferguson Farms, Vic.
Top selling Illawarra at $14,000 was Winganna Firstprize Handsome who had won her class and Reserve Junior Champion in both the All Breeds Youth Show and the Illawarra section sold a/c T & N Coburn to G Meyland.
Top selling Guernsey also at $14,000 was Triple J Legend Loz (Imp.ET), this daughter of WDE 2 x Grand Champion Flambeau Manor RO Lauren, EX 95 sold a/c Triple J Genetics, Tas to P & A Castle, Vic.
The sale cattle were selected by STG Staff Marty Glennen and Simon Tognola who also videoed all lots.
Auctioneer Brian Leslie OAM stated the sale average was a new record for an All Breeds Sale and was the second highest of all sales at IDW in it’s 34 year history.
21 Holsteins av $13,238
2 Brown Swiss av $15,000
3 Illawarras av $9,333
2 Guernseys av $10,000
6 Ayrshires av $9,667
6 Jerseys av $6,667
40 lots gross $454,000
Av $11,350
Best of the West 3 sale tops $18,500
A large crowd of interested breeders from around Australia were at Westmuir Holstein Farm, Bungandor in Western Victoria and online with Elite for the Best of the West 3 Sale.
Sale top of $18,500 was paid for the first choice of heifers due in July by Blondin Alpha from Hodglynn Warrior Mariah-Red, a sister to the 2022 Royal Winter Fair Supreme Champion Blondin RD Unstopabull Maple-R, EX 94. This choice sold a/c A Peatling, Vic & Karnview Farms of Canada to the Hawthorn Glen herd of C Stone & Family, Katunga.
Equal top selling live lots at $13,000 were Westmuir Crushabull Harmony, VG 87, a 4 yo from a sister to the EX 95 Weeksdale Judges Harmony selling to Smethurst Park & Lightning Ridge. Also at this figure was Westmuir Doorman Vellous, VG 87 backed by 5 gens EX selling to S & L Coombes, NSW. The same buyer also selected Westmuir 1stGrade Taberet, VG 88 at $9,500.
Several lots sold at $10,000, these included lot 1, Westmuir Beemer Bright who just classified EX completing 9 gens EX selling to R Russell of Carpendeit. Westmuir Awesome Bright, VG 87 an exceptional uddered young cow also from the Barbies selling to Elm Banks. J Jenkins of Jancourt East also paid $10,000 for the 6 month old calf Sunnyview Rager Lustre-Red backed by the Idee Lustre, EX 95 family.
Other noted sales included Westmuir Chief Tiffany, EX at $9,500 selling to Datumvale Holsteins, Tasmania. Westmuir Kingdoc Ally, VG 86 backed by the Chief Adeen family at $9,100 selling to L Gardiner. Lightning Ridge Altitude Angel-Red, a 5 month old heifer from the Apples at $9,000 to Maxmount Holsteins and Westmuir Crushabull Rose, VG 87 bred from the Blackrose family also at $9,000 to Smethurst Park Holsteins.
The Jersey heifer Rockstar SWD Gentry Jenny 2, a daughter of the 2022 Sydney Royal Supreme Champion, Bushlea Irwins Jenny, EX 94 sold at $10,000 to C Allen of NSW.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
49 lots gross $318,950 Av $6,510
This included 22 Cows from Westmuir to av $7,715.
Cultivate Sale tops $23,000
A huge online presence with more than 500 viewing and a capacity crowd at the Tinamba Hotel for the live auction of the Cultivate made sure it went off most successfully.
Sale hosts Mitchell & Lyndsey Flemming and Callum Moscript put forward a wonderful group of Jerseys, Holsteins and an Ayrshire and Brown Swiss.
Topping the sale and setting a new Breed record for an Australian bred unjoined heifer was Wanstead FCG Fernleaf at $23,000. This correct 10 month old heifer is from the Breeds only EX 96 cow Wanstead Valentino Fernleaf and was consigned by R & A Heath, C Moscript and M & L Flemming, she was secured by Araluen Park Jerseys, Saunders & Day of Yarragon.
Next top of the evening at $16,000 was Brookbora Love Lies 812, EX 90, completing 7 gens EX she had won the Snr 3 yo at the NSW State Show, she sold a/c S & D Bacon and was purchased by C Davis of Longwarry North.
Sharing equal third Jersey high of the sale was Lightning Ridge MB Bontino Rose (Imp.ET) a daughter of the All American Intermediate Champion SV Velocity Rosie, EX 93 completing 13 gens of EX back to Monarch Rosel, EX the All American, WDE & Royal Champion at $12,000 a/c Moscript, Borba & Patten selling to A & C Coombes, NSW. At the same money was Impression FCG Metalic Rosegold backed by 12 gens EX also down from Rosel, EX a/c M & L Flemming and C Moscript selling to R Salter of Kerang, Vic.
The well known Gelbeado Park herd of P & L Mumford paid $11,000 for Lightning Ridge MB Roll The Dice Fern a full sister to the current Adelaide Royal Supreme Intermediate Champion, she sold at $12,000 a/c Patten, Moscript & Borba.
Setting a new record for an unborn Jersey calf was the choice of heifers from Hazel Vale Valentino Benita, EX 93 backed by many Royal Champions selling at $10,500 to Cherrylock Cattle Co from Moscript & Flemming.
Knight Farms of Stratford selected the super correct Rivendell Gigawatt Progress, a 10 month heifer who had won at the NSW State Show at $10,000 from S Menzies. Also at $10,000 was Lightning Ridge MB Kidrock Violin, a daughter of the EX 93 Kevetta Chrome Violin a/c Patten, Moscript & Borba.
Top selling Holstein at $11,000 was the current Sydney Royal and Vic Winter Fair Junior Champion Impression Diamondblack Dahlia selling a/c M & L Flemming to Shierlaw Dairy, NSW.
Three Holsteins reached $9,000 each, Glenavon Park Unstopabull Miranda-Red, a sister to the highly regarded Mirrand-PP selling from Isaac Stephens to M Meyland. Winwood Dylan Lola, a daughter of the current All Australian 3 year old a/c Nikora & Bleijendaal to Jones Family, Cypress Grove Holsteins and Impression Iggy Azalea-Red selling to Wootanga Park Dairies.
The one Brown Swiss, Tandara Omalley Heidi 323 a grand daughter of the IDW Grand Champion Tandara Etvei Heidi 217, EX sold at $12,500 to R Love a/c Ben Govett while the one Ayrshire a 4 month heifer Munden Farms Reynolds Klassy from an EX dam, same family as the 2023 IDW Supreme Grand Champion sold at $11,000 to Happy Ay Afr Syndicate, Ayrshire Breeders from several Countries.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock report the following Jersey details –
24 females av $8,960
1 embryo package at $1350 per embryo
1 Bull at $2500
26 Jerseys av $8,625.
9 Holsteins av $7,835.
1 Swiss at $12,500
1 Ayrshire at $11,000
37 lots gross $318,250
Av $8,600.
At the commencement of the sale a fundraising auction of Heifers, embryos and semen gross $18,850 to support Glen Gordon following a recent accident.
Eclipse Sensation Sale V111 tops $23,000
Holstein Breeders from around Australia were keen to secure the fine uddered offering at the recent Eclipse Sensation V111 Sale held at Shepparton for Master Breeder Richard Hull.
Sale top of $23,000 was paid for the recently scored VG 86 2 year old Eclipse Moovin D7 Princess 1. This 9th gen EX & VG heifer with gPTAT +3.02 sold to W, J & M Brown of Tamworth, NSW. The same buyers also selected Eclipse Jagger Unstop Princess 11 with a gPTAT of + 3.53 at $10,000.
Second top of the sale was the exceptional Red heifer, Eclipse Moovin D August 11-Red, calved 3 days this correct heifer is from a VG Diamondback then 9 generations all EX from the famed August/Apple line. She was purchased by Smethurst Park Holsteins, Athlone at $18,000. These buyers also selected Eclipse Jagger Imelda 1, a fresh heifer just scored VG from the Global Cow of the year Imelda line at $14,000, they also secured the package of embryos from Budjon-Vail DL Alabama at $2,100 each.
Long time Eclipse buyers S & L Coombes of Tamworth, NSW purchased Eclipse Mirand August 11-Poll, VG 86, 2 yo at $12,500, Eclipse Jagger Unstop Princess 111, VG 86, 2 yo at $10,500 and Eclipse Royal Imelda, VG 87 at $10,500.
Fleming P/Ship of Boorcan paid $12,000 for the just classified VG 85 2 year old. Eclipse Moovin A Princess with a gPTAT +3.37. Also at $12,000 was the tremendous young cow Eclipse Awesome Lotto, VG 87 selling to M & F Harvey of Katunga.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from all parts of Victoria, NSW and SA.
44 Cows av $6,775
22 Embryos av $1475
Brurob Holstein Major Dispersal Sale tops $9,000.
A large crowd of interested Breed enthusiasts were at the Shepparton Selling Centre for a major Spring calved Dispersal for Brurob Holsteins of JM Hiscock & Sons of Numurkah and Kilmore.
Topping the sale at $9,000 was the attractive 2 year old Brurob Crushabull Bee, this Crushabull from a Doorman dam sold to Royden Zanders of Murchison. The same buyer also selected Brurob Stchief Paulo, a 4 year old milking 57 litres at $8,100.
M & K Daniel of Waaia purchased the recently scored EX 90 Brurob Undenied Starlite milking 51 litres at $8,500.
Also at $8,500 was Brurob Chief Sybyl who sold milking over 60 litres to D & S Culton of Nathalia. These buyers selected several outstanding young cows including Brurob Chief Bee, VG 88 at $8,000.
Other noted sales included Brurob Doorman Bessie, VG 86 at $6,750 and Brurob Maverickcrush Card, VG 87 at $6,300 both selling to Krishlaye Holsteins, Nerrena.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from throughout Victoria along with SA, NSW and Qld.
103 cows av $4,216
51 2 year old milking heifers av $3,770.
5 Bulls av $2,500
159 Holsteins gross $642,350
Av $4,020
New Breed Record at Victorian Branch Guernsey Sale.
A new Breed record was reached for an unjoined heifer at the Victorian Branch Guernsey Sale held at the Rochester Showgrounds when Glamorous Kakadu Barbell, 9 month old heifer sold a/c Andrew and Abbey Crawford of Numbaa, NSW to Ray Perkins and Shirleen Evans of Laceby, Vic at $17,000. This exceptional quality Prada Kakadu daughter from a Ladysman daughter of the 2019 IDW Grand Champion Cow Exkwizit Active Barbell backed by the famed Brookleigh B family had many admirers and is sure to be heard of much more.
Next top price of $11,000 was for lot 1, Rockmar Penney Koala, this deep framed 12 month daughter of Kearla Latimer Koala 4, EX, the 2023 Reserve Champion Cow of IDW sold a/c M & R Shea of Bacchus Marsh to the Sean Tomkins Syndicate of NSW. The same buyers also selected Glamorous Ladysman Fancy, a daughter of Golden Ray Fancy 3, EX, 3E with 496 kgs fat at $5,000.
The Crawfords also sold Glamorous Design Barbell, an 8 month old daughter of the Active Barbell cow at $6,500 to P & C Castles of Allansford, Vic. The same buyers also selected Meadow Vale LB Dynamic a daughter of 2 time Sydney Royal Championship winner Meadow Vale Judgment Dynamic from Dorrigo, NSW Breeders M & J Moore also at $6,500.
Other noted sales included the very stylish heifer Rockmar Vengeance Jackie who sold due to sexed Denzel at $5,500 to I Ross of Poowong from M & R Shea. Evan Perkins of Herriot Hill Guernseys, NSW paid $5,000 for the 8 month old Glamorous Daniels Delma from a 4.2% protein dam with several generations of VG.
I & S Gallus of Riverton Guernseys, Strathmerton sold a large line of heifers topping at $4,500 for Riverton Design Glory selling to A & D White of Alberton, Vic who selected several lots throughout the sale.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services commend the great crew of sale organisers on their exceptional presentation of the sale line up. They also report there was online bidding through Elite from all States in Australia.
25 Heifers av $4,390
1 embryo package sold at $800 per embryo.
Jerseys top the All Breeds Spring Selection Sale
A group of mostly NSW Breeders combined to stage the Online Auction of young cows, heifers, embryos & semen representing Jerseys, Holsteins and one Illawarra and one Swiss. Auctioned from the DLS Office via the Elite Livestock Auctions platform to more than 360 viewers.
Sale top of $11,000 was paid for Diamond Hill HV Dark Chocolate, this 12 month old Askn heifer is from a VG 88 VIP daughter of the famous Canadian cow Avonlea Premier Chocolate Chip, EX 96, she sold a/c Mangold & Hayes to R Wilson of Jamber Jerseys. Next top of $7,800 was the 2023 Sydney Royal Supreme Junior Champion Cedar Vale Oliver Countess-P, she sold bred to Stark-PP a/c S & W Oslear to A Rosolin of Glenfyne, Vic.
P Buckley of Camden selected Jamber Colton HG Lady, EX 91, a super milky young cow at $7,500 from R Wilson. The same buyer also paid $5,500 for Diamond Hill VV Pix, a Viral from a VG Valentino sister to noted AI Sire Pixstar a/c M Mangold.
Other noted sales in the Jersey section included Hazel Vale Ferdilicious, a Ferdinand bred to Victorious from 3 gens EX dams back to Gorgeous, EX 97, she sold a/c J Hayes to Ashtaney Jerseys, SA at $5,600. Also at $5,600 was Cedar Vale Choc Chip Maybell, a classy 8 month heifer to Todd Brown of Vic.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
17 Jerseys av $4,690
Shepparton spring Selection Tops $9,500
Holstein enthusiasts from around Australia were keen to secure the quality Holsteins on offer at the recent Spring Selection Sale in Shepparton.
Sale top of $9,500 was paid for True Blue Sidekick Alana from a VG 89 Doorman then 4 more gens of EX dams and sold due to sexed Eye Candy this smart heifer sold a/c T & M Somerville to Hallyburton Farms of Cobden.
Second top lot at $7,250 was the milky 3rd lact cow Newhope Chief Summer, VG. This great young cow sold a/c Bruce Fuller to B Glass of Gundowring and was backed by many gens of high yielding EX & VG cows. The same vendor also sold Vala Imax Salsa, VG bred from the Martha Sheen family at $6,250 to L Prout of Kerang and Newhope Arrow Whynot, a lovely fresh calved heifer to K Verrall of Tongala.
Third high seller at $7,000 was the 6 year old cow Eagle ridge Prism M Tiffany currently milking 49 litres she sold a/c Russell Farms to Hawthorn Glen Holsteins of Katunga.
Other noted sales included True Blue Jacot Jodie, a classy heifer due to sexed Lambda and from an EX Damion dam from the famed Fradon Jody family, she sold to Johnston Park Holsteins of Tatura at $6,500. Gapstead Holsteins of M & F Harvey sold a wonderful line of cows including Dryfield Bradnick Rita milking 54 litres at $6,400 to L Prout and Cherribah Hitest Quiz a great uddered cow milking 45 litres at $5,750 also to L Prout.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
50 Registered Holsteins av $3,765
36 Commercial Holsteins av $2,560
86 Holsteins gross $280,300 Av $3,260
Buyers were from many parts of Vic along with NSW & Qld.
Avonlea Final Sale tops $24,000
A large crowd of interested Holstein breeders from throughout Australia were at the Avonlea farm, Nar Nar Goon or online via Elite watching the Final Avonlea Celebration Sale.
Sale top came early when lot 2 Avonlea-YF Lambda Connie due in the Spring to Woodman-P sold at $24,000 to the Syndicate of Gorbro Holsteins and Marshall & L Gardiner. Gorbro also teamed up with Marshall, Jim Strong & Kit Davidson to get Avonlea Pompeils Affection-Red, a super Red heifer at $17,000.
Peter Fullerton of Nirranda paid $20,000 for Avonlea Peggys Delight a daughter of an EX 92 Reginald and $19,000 for Avonlea Lambda Spot a daughter of Fairvale AJ Spot, EX 91.
Also at $20,000 was Avonlea Solomon Reba 2 backed by 3 direct EX dams, she sold to Brett Fiebig, Warrabel Holsteins, SA.
Next high of $18,000 was paid twice when Avonlea-YF Jacoby Connie sold to Staley Farms, Yarram and Avonlea Rise Arrow Amanda a grand daughter of the Sanchez Alana, EX 93 cow sold to C Cowan & S & L Coombes of NSW.
Tasmanian breeders K & T Walters & Family selected the Show Heifer Avonlea Thunderstorm Miss from an EX dam at $16,000. S & L Coombes paid $15,000 for Avonlea Denver Mary 2. Also at $15,000 was the close to calving heifer Avonlea Moovin Carolyn from an EX 91 dam selling to Andrew Pacitti, SA.
Smethurst Park Holsteins selected Avonlea Analyst Jodie-Red at $14,000 while the Jones Family of Cypress Grove Holsteins paid the same figure for Avonlea-YF Denver Mandy from an EX 93 dam.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following averages –
47 Joined Heifers av $10,170
2 Unjoined heifers av $13,000
1 Cow at $7,000
2 Calved heifers av $6,000
52 Holsteins gross $523,000
Av $10,058
Buyers were from all parts of Vic, NSW, SA & Tasmania.
We note the three dispersal sales for Avonlea have a remarkable av of $9,328 over 279 head, DLS congratulate the Gardiner Family on a remarkable breeding career.
Murribrook averages $7,125 for Dispersal Stage V
Holstein enthusiasts from throughout Australia were keen to secure Murribrook Holsteins at the Dispersal Stage V at the Wagga Wagga, NSW property of Master Breeder Murray Sowter.
Sale top of $15,000 was paid for Murribrook Octane Taffy, VG 86, this 5 year old was sold carrying an embryo by Alligator from Meridian Cadence, VG and was bred from 2 gens of EX 92 dams from the famed Toni family, she was purchased by G & C Peatling of Katunga. These same buyers also selected the next high seller Murribrook Savior Laurel, VG also carrying an embryo by Alligator from Cadence, she was from the highly regarded Lola family and sold at $13,500. The Peatlings also selected Murribrook Doorman Vivid, a rising 2 year old from Goldwyn Verbena, EX 92 at $10,000.
Top selling heifer at $13,000 was Murribrook Chief Robbie, a super correct Spring calving Chief from Talent Robbie, VG 88 back to Durham Robina, EX 92 selling to Royden Zanders of Murchison, Vic.
Western Victorian breeders R Russell and B McVilly teamed up to purchase Murribrook Unix Lola a correct heifer due to sexed Chief at $12,000.
Top selling unjoined heifer was Murribrook Lambda Coco, A2A2 with a GLPI of +3295, this daughter of Octane Candace, VG 88 sold to P & C Castles of Allansford, Vic at $11,000, these buyers paid the same money for Murribrook Unix Carla an outstanding Spring calving heifer from the high production Cassie family.
N & S Jolliffe of Wagga paid $10,000 for Murribrook Lambda Cybele a full ET sister to Lambda Coco.
South Australian breeder Brett Fiebig paid $2,800 per embryo for a package of 3 by sexed Lambda from Atwood Ivy, EX 93.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from Victoria, NSW, SA & Qld, more than 80 % of the catalogue were purchased by return Murribrook buyers.
4 Unjoined Heifers av $8,625
22 Joined Heifers av $7,591
12 Cows av $5,667
I Embryo Package at 8,400
39 lots av $7,125
Also of note were the semen sales, Godwyn at $375, Solomon at $250, Comestar Leader at $200 and Hanover Hill Raider at $125
Warrain Jerseys top $9,500 at Third Stage Dispersal Sale.
The high production, high genomic Warrain herd of John and Margaret Cockerell staged a very successful third stage dispersal sale offering all their Spring calving heifers that presented in absolutely wonderful form and were of outstanding type.
Sale top of $9,500 was lot 1, Warrain Matt Althea, a superb type daughter of Valentino Althea 2, EX, she sold to Mt Pleasant Jerseys of Allansford.
Next top price of $7,500 was paid by John Brian, Babrooten Farms, Tongala for Warrain Casino Lovelies 3 a daughter of Tbone Lovelies 15, Ex with the next dam on EX 93 and over 11,000 litres.
Third high of $7,000 was Warrain Chrome Roma 10 who has a gBPI of +273, she sold to S & C Coombes of NSW who also selected Warrain Matt Lovelies 3 backed by 3 EX dams at $6,000.
A & C Harrison of Nerrena purchased Warrain Askn Love Kiss backed by many generations of high milk solids at $6,500. R & A Wilson of NSW paid $6,000 for Warrain Casino Lovelies 5 a daughter of Lovelies 22, EX 92 who already resides at the Wilsons.
G & L Bryce of Green Pines Jerseys selected the huge production backed Warrain Matt Princess at $6,000 and Emu Banks Jerseys paid the same price for Warrain Matt Dream with a gBPI of +242.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
48 Heifers av $4,225
3 Bulls av $2,400
51 Jerseys gross $209,900 Av $4,115
Buyers were from all parts of Vic and NSW, Qld & Tasmania with some 81 % of the offering being purchased by return buyers to Warrain.
The Master Breeder herd, The Points of Ian and Karen McKie of Pomborneit East recently held the Complete Dispersal Sale of their Milking herd to a large gallery of buyers at the Colac Selling Centre.
Sale top of $11,000 was paid by Instyle Holsteins of Cooriemungle for Lightning Ridge KBS Moovin Marion, a recently classified GP 84 2 year old, her dam an EX 91 former IDW Intermediate Champion completes 3 gens EX bred down from many more gens EX & VG back to Calbrett Blackstar Marion, EX in Canada.
Next top of $6,500 was Blueprint Chief Tonio 137, this young cow due again to Homecoming is from a 5th gen EX dam from the Tahora, NZ branch of the Murribrook Toni family, she went to Glenunga Holsteins, SA.
Third top of $6,000 was The Points Radio Dekol a very correct milking 2 year old with a deep pedigree, her 2nd dam an EX Toystory, she sold to M Daniel of Waaia.
Other noted sales included The Points Chief Pam, GP 83 2 yo selling to B & J Dickson, Emu Banks Holsteins at $5,700 and Jaguar Awesomely Apple, VG 87, a top young cow bred down from Apple-Red, EX 96 at $5,500 to P Gleeson.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Elders report –
66 Calved Cows av $4,045
39 Spring Calving Cows av $3,131
3 Joined Heifers av $2,420
16 2022 calved cows av $1,966.
124 Reg Holsteins av $3,450
2 Guernseys av $3,625
7 X Bred Cows av $2,045
Overall gross $449,250
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria along with buyers from Qld & SA, there was exceptional demand for the outstanding line of milking 2 year old heifers with the 26 av $4,555.
Geelunga Final Dispersal Tops $8,500
Breeders from all over Australia were at Geelunga or logged in online via Elite to secure Ayrshires at the Final Dispersal for long time Breeders Greg and Tracey Edmonds of Meadows, SA.
Sale top of $8,500 was paid for the super correct yearling Geelunga Ringer Delia, her VG dam was a member of the winning Breeders Pen at Adelaide Royal 2022, she went to Liddel Ayrshires of S & R Cole & Family, Wagga Wagga, NSW.
Next top of $6,750 was paid by Araluen Park, Saunders & Day, Yarragon, Vic for Geelunga Wadley Lakota, another very correct yearling, this time bred from the imported Canadian Margot Lakota family.
Return buyers A & F Ferguson of Toolamba, Vic selected several top heifers including Geelunga Rems Fleur a Spring calving heifer backed by 3 EX dams at $5,500.
Melinda Hayter, Werombi Ayrshires of Euberta, NSW secured Geelunga Ringer Poppy from a VG 89 dam at $5,250 and Geelunga Ringer Dix a yearling grand daughter of Grand View BBK Dreamer, EX 94 at $4,750.
Sam Hentschke paid $4,250 for Geelunga Tee O Star a daughter of last years top selling cow Orlando Star, VG 87 a 7th gen Adelaide Royal winner.
Return buyers W & A Macadam of Merrigum, Vic paid $4,200 for the outstanding yearling Geelunga Reagan Minty to join her full sister they purchased last year.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from all parts of SA, Vic, NSW & Qld.
Sale details –
29 joined heifers av $2,463
33 unjoined heifers av $2,567
1 cow at $1,500
63 Ayrshires gross $157,650
Av $2,502
Cairnbrae Final Sale tops $20,000 twice.
Held on property near Torquay the 76 year old Cairnbrae Jersey Stud of Alan and Janine Carson held their final Dispersal Sale of Spring calving heifers.
Sale top of $20,000 was reached twice when Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 34 with a gBPI of +285 sold to Emu Banks Jerseys, B & J Dickson of Terang. This full sister to the # 2 gBPI sire Cairnbrae Roulette is from the 2019 IDW Grand Champion Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy 11, EX 94. The same buyers also selected Cairnbrae Matts Estelle 11 a daughter of Casino Estelle 12, VG 88 a maternal sister to the noted sire Bontino at $15,500 and Cairnbrae Matts Daisy 9, a daughter of the 7th gen EX Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 11 at $9,000.
Also at $20,000 was Cairnbrae Bontino Althea 3 a heifer of outstanding type, this daughter of Citation Althea, EX 91 the Intermediate Best Udder winner at IDW 2022 sold to L & A Bennett, Benlee Park Jerseys of Macorna.
Second top seller at $16,000 was Cairnbrae Candyman Daisy 5 a daughter of Valentino Daisy 16, EX 95 a former Intermediate Champion at IDW who had recently sold for $35,000, this top heifer sold to A & S Chant of Nalingil. Salter & Griffiths of Barringa Jerseys, Kerang paid $10,000 for Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 33 a maternal sister to Daisy 16, EX 95.
Western Australian breeders Katandra Farming, Fry Family paid $9,000 each for Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 29 a daughter of the 2023 Gippsland Fair Champion Victorious Daisy 2, EX 91 and Cairnbrae Casino Estelle 30 a daughter of Dimension Estelle 2, EX 92.
Also at $9,000 was Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 26 selling to Launder Farms of Tarwin and Cairnbrae Casino Estelle 32 backed by 7 gens of EX dams, she sold to G & L Bryce of Nullawarre.
A feature of the sale was that 72% of the animals sold to return Cairnbrae buyers.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report the following –
62 Heifers av $5,143
1 Bull at $4,500
63 Jerseys gross $323,350
Av $5,133
Interesting note – over 5 stages of the Dispersal of Cairnbrae 526 Jerseys gross $2,620,535 av $4,981.
Thanks Alan & Janine for a wonderful contribution to the Jersey Breed, BLL
Parkville Ayrshires top $10,000
Top price of $10,000 was paid at the Parkville Ayrshire Dispersal a/c James Dillon of Ruby at the Koonwarra Selling Centre for the Buyers Choice of 2 heifer calves born February. They were imported embryo calves by Dynamic or Kingsire from the 2022 All American and WDE winning Snr 2 yo Palmyra Lochinvar B Rejoice, VG 88, next dam P Ruth, EX 94, 2 time WDE Grand Champion, the choice was purchased by Munden Farms of Nilma.
The 2018 Grand Champion and 2023 Senior Champion Cow of IDW, Parkville Burdette Katie, EX 92, 4E, now rising 9 yo sold open to Marks Family, Dorrigo, NSW for $5,200.
Queensland buyer A Taber selected Parkville Reagan Prim, VG 85 at $3,900. Hillcrest Charleston Sand, VG 86 backed by many gens of EX & VG sold at $3,500 to W Lace & C Ralston of Devon North. Boldview Farms, SA paid $3,400 for Parkville Burdettes Lass, VG 89 a grand daughter of IDW Grand Champion Cher Bar Rippa Laselle, EX 93.
Peter Price of Leongatha selected several lots including Parkville Perfector Rose, VG at $3,300 and Parkville Burdette Pam, EX 90 at $3,400.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
52 Ayrshires av $2,385
There were also several Grade cows & Heifers sold on the day.
Jayden Complete Dispersal tops $35,000
A large crowd of Jersey Breeders from throughout Australia were at Tamworth, NSW for the Complete Dispersal Sale of the Jayden Jerseys of Jamie and Michelle Drury and Family.
High production and high classification was featured right through the catalogue. Sale top of $35,000 was paid for Cairnbrae Valentino Daisy 16, this 9 year old had classified EX 95 earlier in the year, she had won Intermediate Champion at IDW in 2018 and had records to 9637 litres 401 kgs protein 457 kgs fat along with a gBPI +391. She was purchased by Cherrylock Cattle Co, Tallygaroopna, Vic. This is the 2nd high price paid for a Jersey in Australia. Her twin 3 month old Casino heifers both sold for $6,000 each to B & J Dickson, Emu Banks Jerseys, Vic.
Second top of $17,000 was the milking 2 year old, Jayden Casino Daisy 10, 87 @2yo, she sold to local Breeders K & M Atkins. Third high of $16,000 was the smart young cow Cairnbrae Casino Estelle 12, VG 88, a maternal sister to noted sire Bontino, she sold to A & C Coombes. These buyers also selected Cairnbrae Dimension Estelle 2, EX 92 at $15,000 and Jayden Casino Gert 3 on her 1st lact at $13,000.
Kaarmona Jerseys selected Cairnbrae Casino Daisy 11, a 7th gen EX 4 year old at $15,000.
The high performance Araluen Park Jersey herd of Saunders & Day paid $14,000 for the 2nd EX 95 cow to sell on the day, Jayden Valentino Junette with records to 9752 litres 369 kgs protein 480 kgs fat. The same buyers also bought the tremendous 5 year old Ingalala Valentino Girlie, EX 91 again at $14,000.
R & A Wilson of Jamber Jerseys paid top price unjoined heifer, $14,000 for Jayden Izuku Estelle a daughter of the Casino Estelle 12 cow.
Bill Cochrane and Family of Bamawn selected the outstanding EX 92 cow Cairnbrae Lems Lovelies. Wanstead Jerseys paid $11,000 for Jayden Casino Estelle 4 a 1st lact cow backed by 5 gens EX.
Brookbora Jerseys selected some 20 lots throughout the sale including Jayden Casino Junette, EX 90 a daughter of the EX 95 Valentino Junette at $10,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
133 Cows av $5,395
41 PTIC Heifers av $3,062
48 Unjoined Heifers av $3,105
30 Heifer calves 2 days to 3 months av $1,567
6 PTIC recips av $4,250
258 Jerseys gross $1,064,600 Av $4,126
Buyers were from all parts of NSW, Vic, SA & Qld.
Top selling lot below
Dairy Finest tops $13,000
The Dairy Finest Showcase Sale 2023 was held in conjunction with Jersey Australia AGM at Coffs Harbour, NSW
All cattle were shown on video screen while remaining on their properties.
Sale top of $13,000 was paid for Impression LR MB Vanahlem Festive a 7 month heifer from the current Intermediate Champion at IDW, Lightning Ridge MB VIP Fabienne (Imp.ET,USA) EX 90 while the next dam is World Dairy Expo Grand Champion MB Lucky Lady Feliz Navidad, EX 93. She was purchased by Wakelin & Stewart Partnership of New Zealand and sold a/c Flemming, Randle & Borba.
Second top price of $10,000 was reached twice when Loxleigh Valent Bella, EX 91 (max) sold by G & N Akers to L & L Broad. This great young Valentino cow was backed by an EX 92 Vanahlem dam bred down from the Imp. NZ cow Big Hollow Golden Bud, EX. Also at this price was Brookbora Eileen 141 an 8 month CSCWoodside with gBPI +216 and 110 Type, this top heifer was backed by 6 gens of EX dams, she sold to J Lindsay of Hastings Jerseys.
Sarah Chant sold Warrion Tips 42, VG 88 with a gBPI of +323, this Casino from a VG Oliver-P x Celebrity x Vanahlem sold at $8,000 to B & J Dickson, Emu Banks Jerseys. These buyers also selected Philmar Grand Melys backed by 7 gens EX dams from M & P Flemming at $7,000.
K & M Atkins of Tamworth paid $7,000 for Impression SG Victorious Gouda, she had won her class at the Gippsland Fair and is from an EX 90 Oliver-P dam back to Sydney Royal Supreme Champion Kathleigh Gun Grace, EX 92, she sold a/c Flemming & McRae. Andrew & Shahna Chant of Nalangil, Vic also paid $7,000 for Wanstead Jeronimo Favourite a daughter of Bushlea Irwins Favourite, EX 93 a/c R & A Heath.
The buyers choice of 6 milking ET sisters from Kings View sired by Matt and bred from 5 gens EX dams from Vanahlems family, this choice was purchased by R & T Attenborough for $7,000.
This years Dairy Finest Sale was managed by Daniel Bacon and Mitchell Flemming.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
27 Jerseys av $5,760
Following the sale of live lots The Berts Memory Charity Auction, consisting a large amount of donated goods going to the peter MacCallum Cancer Centre gross some $45,000.
Beauties from the Bush tops $10,000.
The Jennings Family of Chapple Vale in Western Victoria staged their 2nd Beauties From The Bush Sale on farm , selling a wonderful catalogue of mostly freshly calved young cows featuring extra deep maternal lines and included a great line of Red Holsteins.
Sale top of $10,000 was Ebony Park Silver Toni 2, VG 86 completing 11 gens EX & VG, this 11,000 litre fine uddered cow sold to Hallyburton Farms.
Equal second high of $8,000 was paid for Eclipspeirce Jordy Shandy-Red, VG 87, 9 gens EX & VG to P Schubert of NSW. Also at this price was Wigley Akyol Jane 2210-Red, VG 85 selling to L Prout of Kerang, he also selected Wigley Jordy Apple, 12th gen EX & VG at $5,600.
Third high of $6,800 was Whataview Doc Dellia, a fresh calved 2 year old to Adam Wright who also selected Wigley Awesome Jodie 1868-Red, VG 87 at $5,250. Jarrod McVilly selected Wood Hills Jacot Demi-Red, a fresh 2 year old at $6,400.
Other noted sales included Rusty Red Cantstop Janey-Red at $6,000 and Rusty Red Aussie Nina-Red at $5,800.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report –
63 Holsteins av $4,260
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria & NSW
The Royal Rendezvous Sale presented by Rivendell and Brunchilli Jerseys of Nowra at the Sydney Royal Show went off with a bang !
Lot 1 the pick of the winning Junior 2 and Senior 2 year olds from IDW both sired by Rapid Bay Gentry topped the night at $28,000 with buyer C Allen of Cobargo selecting Rivendell Gentry Cleo, 87 @2yo.
Second top price of $17,000 was paid by D, J & N Watts of Pyree for Brunchilli Venue Belle a 2nd calf 3 year old that had won the 2 yo in milk at Sydney Royal 2022. Third high of $16,000 was reached twice when Brunchilli Hired Gun Eileen, EX 92, a daughter of Vanahlem Eileen 2, EX 94, the Supreme Champion All Breeds Cow Sydney Royal 2019 sold to J McGoven of Wallacia. The same buyer also selected Rivendell Valentino Tammy who had won Reserve Champion of the All Breeds Youth Show earlier in the day at $14,000.
Also at $16,000 was Rivendell Victorious Passion a fresh 2 year old purchased by the Hindmarsh Family of Cowra.
The well known Adadale herd of Kenilworth, Qld paid $13,500 for Brunchill Jedi Priscilla bred down from IDW Grand Champion Sambo Priscilla, EX 92.
Wes & Julie Brown of Tamworth selected Brunchilli Victorious Vita the Reserve Junior Champion IDW 2023 at $12,000 and Brunchilli Valentine Eileen from an EX 92 dam at $10,000.
MLF Farms of Newry, Vic paid $10,000 for Rivendell Chocochip Teagan backed by many EX dams and L & A Bennett of Macorna, Vic selected the last lot of the night Rivendell Valentino Martha who had won her class during the day also at $10,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from all States except WA.
Indeed the presentation of the catalogue, sale ring and all sale lots was absolute first class and all involved are to be congratulated.
39 Females av $8,308
2 Bulls av $4,000
41 Jerseys av $8,100.
Dellyn Holstens top $11,500.
Western Victorian Holstein Breeders Craig and Sophie Bennett recently dispersed their high quality herd and select heifers at the Colac Selling Centre.
Sale top of $11,500 was Dellyn Miss Diamond, VG 88, this Diamondback is bred from the ‘Gold Missy, EX 95’ family and sold to Brindabella Holsteins. The same buyers selected several top lots and also included Dellyn Defiant Goldy-Red (Imp.ET) VG 88 bred down from the 4 time All American winner Stelbro Renita Ranger-Red, EX 94 at $8,000.
Second high of $9,500 was Dellyn Diamond Goldy, a daughter of the Defiant Goldy cow selling to P Schubert of NSW, the same buyer also selected Dellyn Jacot Apple (Imp.ET) from an EX 91 daughter of Apple-Red, EX 96 at $9,000 and Dellyn McCutchen Imelda (Imp.ET) from a VG sister to Doorman at $7,500.
Third high lot at $9,400 was Dellyn Goldys Diamond-Red, VG 87 selling to R & S Goode of Poowong, they also selected Dellyn Devour Genesis-Red at $9,000. Westmuir Holsteins paid $8,500 for Dellyn Tatoo Missy, VG from a VG Solomon back to Gold Missy, EX 95. Also at $8,500 was Dellyn Unstopabull Jodie-Red selling to Nico Nieuwenhuizen of Janourt East. The same buyer paid $7,500 for Golden Adonis Sherry-Red, VG 87 an 8th gen EX & VG from the Onkavale Ultimate Shaynen family.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart, Nash McVilly report the following –
133 Cows av $3,975
10 Spring calving heifers av $3,210
9 Unjoined Heifers av $2,650
152 Holsteins gross $584,500
Av $3,845
Rockvale Second Stage Complete Dispersal tops $7,750
After 50 years of breeding and following the Milking Herd Dispersal last year Des and Wendy Parker of Beeac staged their Second Stage Complete Dispersal Sale comprising of all Autumn calving heifers presented in wonderful form.
Sale top of $7,750 was paid for Rockvale Watfern 5624 an outstanding heifer due to sexed Casino. Sired by Bashful-P from a VG dam with PI of 114 and 2nd dam an EX Tbone. This top lot sold to S & S Chant of Naringal.
Second top price of $6,500 was reached twice when Rockvale Illusion 5625 by Volcano Grant from a VG Apollo then a VG Valentino sold to A & C Coombes of NSW. Also at this price was Rockvale Jill 5615 by Valentino from an EX 91 David dam selling to Country Road Jerseys of Edi Upper. This buyer also selected Rockvale Jill 5633 by Tbone from an EX 90 Matt dam at $6,000 and Rockvale Fairlady 5639 by Bashful-P at $5,300.
A & C Harrison of Nerrena paid $5,900 for Rockvale Buttercup 5590 by Bashful-P from an EX 90 Spiritual dam.
Strong buyers through the sale were Fresh Dairies of South Purrumbete included in their selections were Rockvale Barbara 5596 by Jeronimo from an Oliver-P dam at $5,100 and Rockvale Buttercup 5571 from a Valentino dam with 110 PI at $5,000. They also purchased Rockvale Illusion 5635 by Grant, Rockvale Jorja 5609 by Askn and Rockvale Dainty Lass 5601 by Kenarie Gusto all at $5,000 each.
Renee Barling of Cobden paid $5,000 for Rockvale Buttercup 5638 by Bashful-P and the same money for Rockvale Hazel 5629 also by Bashful-P.
Also in the sale were consignments from Coleshill Jerseys with their top lot Coleshill Oliver Blondie a fresh calved 2 year old at $5,750 to A & C Coombes, NSW. P & S Lenehan selected Coleshill Applejack Gumnut, EX 90 at $4,750 along with Coleshill Chrome Silvermine at $4,100 and Coleshill Razzler Supreme at $4,000.
P & L Sprunt of Yalcara Jerseys sold their final line of heifers with Yalcara Invincible Silver selling at $4,000 to V Younger. Yalcara Legion Vanilla from an EX 90 David at $3,750 to G & N Akers and Yalcara David Arkona 2 from a VG Vanahlem at $3,700 to A & C Coombes, NSW.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report the following details –
Rockvale – 50 registered heifers av $4,270
8 Commercial heifers av $2,488
Coleshill – 42 lots av $2,800
Yalcara – 11 Heifers av $3,075
111 Jerseys gross $384,650
Av $3,465
The Master Breeder herd, Warramont of Mt Gambier, SA owned by David and Trudy Fiebig staged their Final Stage Complete Dispersal at the Mortlake, Vic Selling Centre.
This final sale comprised of Autumn/Winter calving heifers, sale top of $7,200 was paid by W & E Balcombe of Dreeite for Warramont Sidekick Lily (ET) a daughter Warrabell Blade Leesa-T, EX 92, 4E, 118,254 litres lifetime bred from the famed Glomar Lucky family.
Second high of $6,750 was Warramont Luster Milky bred from 10 gens EX & VG dams selling to W & S Pearce of Yankalilla, SA, these buyers also selected Warramont Cold Delight bred from 12/13 gens EX & VG at $5,500.
Third high of $6,500 was Warramont Rubels Flame-Red, this Rubels-Red daughter was bred down from Melbourne & Adelaide Royal Champion cow Warramont Winluke Frosti, EX 91, 11 SBC, she sold to Kaenta Trust of Yangery. At $6,250 was Warramont Radio Jacinta backed by 14 gens EX & VG and due to sexed Delta Lambda was purchased by Nathan Collins of SA.
Brendan Winter of Warragul selected Warramont Persuade Deluxe, this high genetic merit heifer was backed by 14 gens of EX & VG dams and sold at $6,000. The same buyer also selected Warramont Jeronimo Demure-P at $5,000.
Fantasia Holsteins, SA paid $5,800 for Warramont Radio Flash bred from 6 gene EX & VG.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
52 Holsteins av $4,025
The Settlement Sale at the Simpson Pub.
On the evening following judging of the strong Simpson Show a sale of All Breeds was held at the Simpson Ball & Chain Pub, a large crowd attended along with a huge online audience.
Sale manager Judson Jennings lined up a wonderful offering representing All Breeds.
The 6 Jersey lots met with strong demand. Top of the Jerseys was $6,000 reached twice when Ripponlea Craze Tinkerbelle 3389, gBPI +298, this 6 month heifer backed by EX 90 dam and EX 93 2nd dam sold a/c Reid & Egan to B & J Dickson of Terang. These buyers also purchased Warrion Nugget 61 a yearling by Sturgis from an EX 91 Oliver-P dam a/c Sarah Chant at $5,500.
Also at $6,000 was Wanstead Pickle Daisy from an EX 91 Valentino dam a/c R & A Heath to K Beaton of Terang. Coleshill Valentino Noelene sold at $5,500 to A & J Kerr of Ondit at $5,500.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the 6 Jerseys av $4,917.
Gorbro Raise The Roof Sale tops $20,000 four times.
A huge crowd were at Gorbro Holsteins, Cohuna on a hot summer day topping 39 degrees to admire the wonderful
new facilities and the outstanding offering of Holsteins and select Jerseys.
Sale top of $20,000 was reached four times throughout the sale.
The 12 month heifer Gorbro Lambda Ruby, a daughter of Avonlea Lady Ruby, EX 91, bred down from the famous
James Rose, EX 97 was first lot into the ring and sold at $20,000 to Brock Neal of Simpson.
Next at this price was the Winning 2 year old and Intermediate Champion Best Udder and Reserve Intermediate
Champion of the R & W Show at IDW, Gorbro Unlucky Jodie-Red, VG completing 11 gens EX & VG selling to G &
C Peatling of Katunga.
Gorbro Analyst Asia-Red, an Autumn calving heifer from Luck-E Diamondadmire, EX 92 also sold at $20,000 to P &
E Osborn of Tinamba and L & L Calder of Meeniyan.
The outstanding young cow Gorbro Sidekick Perfume, VG completing 8 gens of VG and due soon to sexed Parfect
sold at $20,000 to K & H Jones of Foster.
Next high of $18,800 was Gorbro Mirand Snowy-Poll-Red an Autumn calving heifer bred down from the Tiffany
family was purchased by Hawthorn Glen Holsteins of Katunga.
Third high seller at $18,000 was Gorbro Riverdown Admire-Red an Autumn calving heifer going to Latham & Hurrell
of Comboyne, NSW.
Two Jerseys shared top price of $14,000 with Bushlea Val Belle 3, EX 92, 8 gens EX sold to the Nicholson Family.
Also at this price was the Winning Aged Cow from IDW, Salvation Black Ginger, EX 93 selling to C Couch.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report along with the huge crowd at the sale more than 600 people were
logged in online via Elite and report the following details –
Holsteins –
29 Cows av $9734
34 Joined Heifers av $8259
34 Unjoined Heifers av $9841
1 Unborn Heifer at $9000
98 Holsteins av $8,934
Jerseys –
12 Cows av $8500
2 Joined Heifers av $5500
3 Unjoined Heifers av $5666
17 jerseys av $7,648
115 lots gross $1,005,500
Av $8,743
Buyers were from all parts of Victoria, NSW and South Australia.
STG Create The Future Sale at IDW tops $21,000 twice !
A huge crowd was at IDW for the STG Create The Future Sale, indeed one of the biggest seen at an IDW Sale for
many years, then add the more than 550 folk that viewed online via Elite Livestock Auctions and also so many that
watched via the IDW site, indeed this sale created World Wide vision.
Sale top of $21,000 was reached twice, first was Holstein milking 2 year old Eclipse Moovin Princess 6 recently
scored VG. This fine uddered Lindenright Moovin heifer sold a/c Richard Hull to G & C Peatling of Katunga. These
same buyers also selected the 2nd high selling Holstein Elmar Mirand Farlex 4688-Red, the Junior Champion of the
inaugural IDW R & W Show earlier in the week at $20,000, she sold a/c Abbie Hanks.
The well known Master Breeder herd, Somerelle of Scott Somerville selected the next high selling Holstein Lightning
Ridge CMD Thunder Nico who had just won the Snr Yearling class earlier in the day, she sold a/c Busybrook, NZ,
Nikora & Blejendaal at $18,000, she was backed by 6 gens of Australian EX dams. Rob & Bec Walmsley of SA sold
Robsvue Altitude Penny-Red, VG, a super milky 2nd lactation daughter of Altitude-Red and the current Adelaide
Royal Champion Cow Robsvue Avalanche Penny, EX at $13,000 to L McIlveen of Strathmerton and Robsvue Delta
Mae, a Delta Lambda from a 5th gen EX dam bred down from Indianhead Gold Mae, EX 94 at $12,000 to P & C
Castles of Allansford.
The high GTPI heifer Rengaw Zazzle Zeeta 812 (Imp.ET) a/c G Wagner of Tasmania and bred from the famed
Claynook Zeeta Pursuit, VG cow was selected by STG Australia at $12,000. Also at $12,000 was the North
Queensland bred heifer Bevandale Samite Meg by the STG sire CBSamite from a VG 87 dam then 8 direct gens of
Australian EX dams, she sold to Starcrest Holsteins, Jindivick, Vic a/c H Bevan & Family.
The classy R & W heifer Lindon Unstopabull Kitey-Red who had featured well through the week in both the R&W &
Open Holstein shows sold a/c Tyler Gordon of Undera at $10,000 to N Nieuwenhuizen of Jancourt East. Also at
$10,000 was Newhope Arrow Cheetah a/c Bruce Fuller, this powerful heifer by DG Arrow sold PTIC to sexed
Davinci and was bred from the famed Glen Drummond Splendor family, she sold to Kelvin Jackson of Welshpool.
The Equal top price of $21,000 and a new record price for an Illawarra was Eagle Park Theo Pamela 6157, this
yearling had won Reserve Junior Champion of the Illawarra show, sold a/c N Shierlaw and was purchased by
Wootanga Park Dairies of Orford.
The Junior Champion Brown Swiss Heifer of IDW, Tandara Bosephus Heidi 318 offered by Ben Govett sold at
$17,000 a new record for an uncalved Brown Swiss heifer to G & A Meyland of Waaia.
The 2 Guernsey heifers both met with strong demand, the Tasmanian heifer Triple J JCPenny Lynette sold to A & D
White of Alberton, Vic at $13,000 while Brookleigh LT Barty 3881 a daughter of the 2022 IDW Intermediate
Champion Brookleigh Butterworld, VG a/c L & J Cleggett of SA sold at $11,000 to Roblynne Farms, Harvey, WA at
Top selling Jersey Windy Ways CCC Casino Dawn, a daughter of the 2020 & 2022 IDW Grand Champion Windy
Ways Galaxies Dawn, EX 95 sold at $18,000 to R, H & M Perrett of Rye Valley Jerseys. Next top at $17,000 was the
Hon Men Junior Champion of the IDW Jersey Show Impression FCG Ferdinand Rosel a/c M & L Flemming & C
Moscript, backed by 10 gens of EX dams and sired by STG Ferdinand. Philmar Dairies sold Miami Publican Estelle
7340 backed by 5 gens of EX dams at $10,000 to D & T Wallis of SA.
The sale cattle were selected by STG Staff Marty Glennen and Simon Tognola who also videod all lots.
Auctioneer Brian Leslie stated the sale average was the second highest in the 33 year history of International Dairy
Week Sales.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
19 Holsteins av $10,368
11 Jerseys av $8,910
2 Illawarra av $15,000
2 Brown Swiss av $13,000
2 Guernseys av $12,000
4 Ayrshires av $4,375
40 Females gross $392,500
Av $9,812
Top of $28,000 at Around The World Sale
Breeders of both Holsteins and Jerseys from all over Australia were keen to secure the outstanding females on offer at
the ‘Around The World Sale’ hosted by Declan Patten, Lightning Ridge and B & P Salmon, Westmuir on property,
Bungador in Western Victoria.
Sale top of $28,000 was paid for Lot 1, the exceptional Red Holstein heifer Lightning Ridge Analyst Siren-Red
(Imp.ET), this July born daughter of Milksource Storm Siren, VG 88 (2yo) a sister to the 2021 WDE Supreme
Champion, Shakira, EX 97, her next dam is EX 96 then Apple-Red, EX 96, she was purchased by Anthony Peatling of
Toolamba. Next lot into the ring was Lightning Ridge CMD Avalanche Apple-Red (Imp.ET) from Lightning Ridge
Doorman Apple, EX 94, then Uno Armana, EX 94, then Apple-Red, EX 96, this classy heifer sold to N & S Wilkie of
Pentland Hills at $21,000.
Second high lot was the outstanding 2nd lactation cow Avonlea Doorman Princess, VG 88, she had won the 2 yo at
2021 Vic Winter Fair and was purchased by M & A Taylor of Timboon at $26,000.
Next high selling Holstein was Lightning Ridge SM Chief Bazooka (Imp.ET) a direct daughter of the only 2nd gen EX
96 cow ever in Canada, Hendercroft Fever Bazooka, EX 96, this rising yearling was purchased by Hawthorn Glen
Holsteins of Katunga at $17,000.
NSW breeders S & L Coombes paid $15,000 for Elmar Chief Jessica 4697 a direct daughter of the former IDW
Supreme Champion Goldwyn Jessica 11, EX 93
The well known Elm Banks herd of C & M Gleeson selected three top lots, Westmuir Chief Jessica 9824 at $14,000,
Westmuir Chief Platinum 9822 a grand daughter of Triple T Platinum, EX 95 at $11,000 and Lightning Ridge WSMR
Chief Jacobonia 9750 a daughter of 2020 IDW Supreme Champion Avonlea Reginald Jacobonia, EX 91 at $10,000.
Adam Courtney of Jaguar Holsteins paid $11,000 for Westmuir Moovin Mae, a GP 84 two year old a daughter of a
VG 88 King Doc from the Eclipse Mae family. Other noted sales included Westmuir Chief Candace a yearling from
Sidekick Candace, VG 88 then Murribrook Doorman Candace, EX 91, she sold at $10,000 to H & D Dodd of
Starcrest Holsteins. Also at $10,000 was Westmuir Perinnial Frosty, bred from the famed Roy Frosty family selling to
C & S Ferrari of Princetown and Westmuir Bradnick Bright, VG 86 bred from the Regancrest Barbie’s selling to P &
A Castles.
The select group of Jerseys met with tremendous demand, top lot at $17,500 was Lightning Ridge MB Victorious
Tesla a direct daughter of the current All American Champion Cow Seacord Howacres Tesla, EX 94, she sold to The
McGrath Family of Wootanga Jerseys. Next high of $15,000 was Lightning Ridge MB Bontino Rosie a daughter of
SV Velocity Rosie, EX 93, Intermediate Champion at the 2020 All American Show, she sold to M & S Thompson of
Bamawn. Coleshill Jerseys selected the special heifer Lightning Ridge MB Ferdinand Violin bred from the Chrome
Violin branch of the famed Veronica family at $10,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report their was a huge buying gallery online with Elite and a large crown on
farm. Many of the buyers were return buyers to Lightning Ridge and Westmuir, great testament to both vendors.
51 Females av $8,127
6 Embryo packages av $5,517
57 lots gross $448,200
Moonpah Jerseys sell to $12,000
A large crowd of Jersey enthusiasts from all parts of NSW along with Qld and Victoria were at Dorrigo, NSW for the
Milking Herd and Joined Heifer Dispersal Sale of the Moonpah Stud of Wayne and Robin Burley established way
back in 1945.
Sale top of $12,000 was the milking heifer, Moonpah Clusto Dawn who had recently won the local OFC, this
wonderful young cow was purchased by Sunshine Farm Jerseys of Janelle McDonald of Kyabram, Vic. The same
buyer also purchased Shirlinn ADay Starbright 2, EX 92 at $6,500.
Second high seller at $9,000 was Moonpah Clusto Holly, 87 @ 2yo, this tremendous young cow from an EX Bontino
dam went to local Breeder Ian Cork of Tongarra Jerseys who also selected Braelyn Jude May at $6,000 and Moonpah
Husky Elkie, VG 87 at $5,000.
Third top lot at $8,000 was Braelyn Appleval Starfinch, EX 90 selling to Geoff Potts of Armidale, NSW. Victorian
buyer, Todd Brown of Stanhope paid $7,750 for top young cow Braelyn Chrome Starbright.
Many Breeders were loud in praise of the young cow Moonpah Irresist Hayley, EX 90, she was purchased by K & M
Atkins of Tamworth at $7,000, these buyers also selected Moonpah Tyko Del, EX 92 at $6,000, Shirlinn PJ Starfinch,
EX 91 at $6,000 and Moonpah Bontino Jisella, EX 90 at $5,000.
Local buyers Scott Connell and Family of Valleyrose Jerseys selected Moonpah Tyko Darlene, EX 91 at $7,000.
Other noted sales included Moonpah Valentino Hayley, EX 91 at $5,750, Braelyn Clusto May at $5,000 and Moonpah
Bontino Roserell, VG 88 at $5,000 to A & C Coombes. Moonpah Valentino Modelina, EX 90 at $5,000 to R & M
McDonald who selected near on 20 lots throughout the sale. Braelyn Valentino Starbright at $5,000 to M Hassett,
Singleton. Moonpah Tyko Louise at $5,000 to Marks Bros of Dorrigo.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report all lots were presented in wonderful for and what was quite unique they
were all led through the selling ring.
They report the following details –
80 Cows av $4,247
11 Autumn 23 calving heifers av $3,591
1 Bull at $4,750
92 Jerseys av $4,175
3 calves (week old) av $633.
Valentino Semen sold at $120 per straw.
Photo of top selling lot below.
Springvalley Commercial Jerseys set records.
A large crowd of Jersey enthusiasts were at the Mortlake Selling Centre and online to secure the AI Bred Jersey herd offered by John and Trudy Kerger of Cobden.
Sale top of $11,000, a new record price for an unregistered Jersey cow was paid for 351 a 5 year old by AltaMacho bred down from the Warrawee Park Lovelies family, she was purchased by G & L Bryce of Nullawarre. The same buyers also selected the outstanding 4 year old, 394 by Bontino from an Applejack dam at $8,000 and the equal top selling 2 year old 473 by AltaMontra at $6,500.
Second top of the sale was 392, a superb type Bontino 4 year old from a Spiritual dam selling to Corey Couch of Laang at $8,500. The equal top selling 2 year old at $6,500 was 463 by AltaSteve from a Valentino dam selling to C & M Gleeson of Crossley.
R & C Brown of Koroit selected several outstanding young cows including 347 a 5 year old Marcin daughter and 467 a very correct 2 year old by Jugiong Barber and 480 a 2 year old by Bontino all at $5,500 each along with 488 a 2 year old AltaSteve and 491 a 2 year old by AltaMontra both at $5,000 each.
Other noted sales included 412 a 5 year old Pilgim at $5,500 to Simon Reid of Trafalgar. Bubblefrost Jerseys selected 467 a 2 year old by Jugiong Barber at $5,500 and 396 a 4 year old Bontino at $5,000. D & A Hallyburton paid $5,000 for 482 another of the superb AltaSteve 2 year olds.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Elders report –
43 2 year old milking heifers av $4,262
Overall 138 Jerseys gross $511,500
Av $3,706
A new record for a Commercial Jersey Herd.
Buyers were from throughout Western Victoria along with Kiewa Valley and Gippsland
Geelunga Ayrshires top $15,000.
South Australian Ayrshire Breeders Greg and Tracey Edmonds recently staged the Dispersal Sale of their milking herd and joined heifers to a large crowd on farm and huge online audience.
Sale top of $15,000 was paid for Geelunga Orlando Star-P, VG 87, this top young cow had just won the 4 year old at Adelaide Royal and is backed by a further 6 generations of Royal and IDW winners including the 3 time IDW Grand Champion Geelunga Tri Star, EX, 7E, she was purchased by Munden Farms of Nilma, Victoria. These Breeders also selected the second high seller Geelunga Ginger Bangle who had recently class EX at $9,000. They also purchased Geelunga Tsunami Jess, VG 87 at $5,500, Geelunga Burdette S Star, VG and Geelunga Dreamer H Star both at $5,000.
Third high seller at $7,000 was the tremendous cow Geelunga Burdette Grace, VG 87 from an EX dam selling to Peter Edmonds of Naracoorte, SA. Western Victorian buyers J & F Newcombe of Princetown paid $6,000 for the noted show heifer Geelunga Ginger Sandra from an EX dam. L & J Gass also of Princetown selected Geelunga Burdette Josie at $6,000. N & T Rothe of Strathalbyn, SA also paid $6,000 for Geelunga Mr Med Patty, VG bred down from Geelunga’s first ever Adelaide Royal winner.
Araluen Park Ayrshires of Shady Creek, Vic purchased Geelunga Bman Bingle from the EX Ginger Bangle cow at $6,000 and Geelunga Ginger Stary a show winner from the Tri Star family at $5,500.
Boldview Farms selected several lots including Geelunga Burdette Speck a super young VG 87 cow at $5,500. Sam Hentschke selected two outstanding cows, Geelunga Max Speck at $5,100 and Geelunga Dreamer Hilly, VG 88 at $5,000.
W & A Macadam of Merrigum, Vic selected Geelunga Reagan Minnie, a smart joined heifer at $5,500. David Notter of Kyabram, Vic selected Geelunga Tims Tinsel at $5,000. M & A Hayter of Euberta, NSW paid $5,000 for the show cow Geelunga Ginger Delia, VG 88.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report buyers were from SA, most parts of Victoria, NSW & Tasmania.
They report the following details –
17 Joined Heifers av $3,970
81 Cows av $3,570
98 Ayrshires gross $356,600
Av $3,640
A new Breed record for a single vendor sale.
Picture of top selling lot
Wallaroi tops $20,000
Holstein Breeders from throughout Australia were keen to secure the extra deep pedigrees on offer at the recent Milking Herd Dispersal Sale of Master Breeder herd, Wallaroi of Max Hall of Tallygaroopna.
Sale top of $20,000 was paid for the tremendous young cow Windy View Chief Justine, VG 89, this 4 year old by Stantons Chief completes 11 gens EX & VG, she is from a Doorman dam bred from the Canadian Walnutlawn Gibson Jessica, EX 94 family and was purchased by Gorbro Holsteins of Cohuna.
Next top of $9,500 was the wonderful White Cow Wallaroi Fitz Shelby, VG 88, this 9th gen EX & VG cow is from the famed Onkavale Shaynen family and was selected by Stephen Coombes of Attunga, NSW. This same buyer purchased several top lots including Wallaroi Unstopabull Ivy, VG 86, 10th gen EX & VG at $8,500, Wallaroi Diamondback Butter, 9 gens EX & VG at $7,000 and Windy View Tatoo Justine at $5,000.
Local breeders P & S Daniel of Nathalia paid $6,000 for Wallaroi Let It Shamrock, VG 87 an 8th gen EX & VG with over 11,000 litres and her dam Tramar Sanchez Shamrock, VG 88 at $5,000. Also from the same maternal line was Wallaroi Stanleycup Shamrock, VG 88 selling at $6,000 to Somerelle Holsteins.
Many folk at the sale were loud in praise for the wonderful dairy cow Wallaroi Expander Rosebud, VG, bred from the noted Ponderosa Rosebud line, she sold at $6,000 to Royden Zanders of Murchison.
W & E Balcombe of Dreeite in Western Victoria paid $5,300 for Madison Lenux Genie. David Notter of Kyabram selected Wallaroi Joel Millie a fresh calved 2 year old from an EX 90 dam at $5,000. Also at this price was Wallaroi Fitz Bonnie, VG from an EX Shottle dam and Windy View Bradnick Justine 2, 11th gen EX & VG, sister to the top selling lot, both selling to NJ Farms of Yalca.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
73 Reg Holsteins Cows av $3,788
8 Grade cows av $2,388
Also sold on the day were Holsteins from invited vendors, these included Madison Mirand Jacobonia, a fresh 2 year old from N & H Commadeur at $5,500 to W & E Balcombe and Madison Mirand Ella at $5,250 to E Brown of Katunga.
The Lindon Stud of David Gordon and family sold Lindon Pander Peach at $4,750 to N Collins of Mt Gambier, SA
DLS report buyers were from most parts of Victoria along with SA & NSW.
Picture of the top selling lot
Wildwood tops $7,000
Dairyfarmers from all parts of Gippsland and Northern Victoria were keen to secure the outstanding young cows sold through the Wildwood Spring Dispersal Sale at Lardner Park Selling Centre.
Sale top of $7,000 was paid for Dumbarton Bighit Polkadot a capacious, fine uddered heifer from the noted Eagle Ridge Polka family, she was purchased by Krishlaye Pty Ltd of Nerrena. The same buyer also selected Dumbarton Bighit Leah backed by 3 VG dams at $6,500.
Staley Farms of Yarram selected several top young cows including a tremendous 2 year old AltaRoble at $5,500, a 4 year old Samite from a Solomon dam at $5,100 and a smart 2 year old DeltaLambda at $5,000.
Buying online was G Dehne of Cohuna, included in his selections was a 2nd lact Samite at $5,000 and a 6 year old Fever at $5,000. Also buying online was B McDonald of Orbost who included an aged cow milking over 60 litres at $5,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report 102 Holsteins av $3,815, the 56 milking 2 year olds av $4,000.
Blossomvale Holsteins to $7,500
Holstein enthusiasts from throughout Western and Northern Victoria bought up at the recent Blossomvale Holstein Dispersal of Master Breeders Brian and Donna Anderson of Jancourt East.
Sale top of $7,500 was the 8 year old cow Blossomvale Reginald Connie, EX 90 (Pictured) bred from the famed Avonlea Connie’s, she was purchased by Somerelle Holsteins of Timmering. Next top of $6,500 was paid for Blossomvale Unix Butch, VG 87.
Hallyburton Farms of Cobden were strong buyers of top cows including Blossomvale Imp Dingle a 3 year old Impression from the Dings at $6,000 along with Blossomvale Bradnick Lucy, Blossomvale Bradnick Elicia, VG and Blossomvale Crush Iluka, VG 87, 7th gen VG all at $5,000.
Local breeder Brenton Thomas selected the outstanding young 5th gen VG cow Blossomvale Unix Joanne at $6,000. Cooriemungle Holsteins paid $5,000 for Blossomvale Imp Iluka and Struan Trading, Simpson paid the same money for Blossomvale Brad Grace bred down from the Murribrook Graceful family.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report –
137 Holstein Cows gross $466,400
Av $3,405.
Top lot picture
Pekin Commercial Holstein Herd average $3,650
The large high gBPI Holstein herd of J & K Pekin of Kolora in Western Victoria met with strong demand from buyers throughout all parts of Victoria and into NSW.
Sale top of $7,750 was paid by Wilara Holdings of Tinamba for the 3 year old Fedora daughter with a gBPI of +442.
Next top lots were a 3 year old Fedora with a gBPI of +474 at $7,000, another Fedora with a gBPI of +462 also at $7,000 and yet another by Fedora with a gBPI of +539 at $6,000 along with a 2 year old by JSSuperhero at $5,600 these were all purchased by B & J Dickson of Terang.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services and Charles Stewart & Co report –
85 2 year olds av $3,922
Overall 279 Holsteins gross $1,018,250
Av $3,650
Arabella Holsteins top $19,000
A very large crowd of Holstein enthusiasts were both on site at Arabella, Queensland or online via Elite for the Milking Herd and select heifer Dispersal Sale of the Holmes Family.
Sale top of $19,000 was paid by Victorian Breeders K & H Jones of Foster for the young Show cow Arabella Lambda Olivia bred down from the Brisbane Royal Champion Glenalbas Goldwyn Olivia, EX 92, 3E. This mighty maternal line met strong demand and also included Arabella 1st Grade Olivia, VG 89 at $15,000 selling to Brindabella Holsteins, Vic, Arabella Kick Olivia, a classy Sidekick yearling from 1st Olivia at $12,500 to Reg Cochrane P/L of NSW and Arabella Doorman Olivia, VG at $11,000 to A & A Crawford of NSW.
The equal second high of the sale was Arabella SK Dottie, VG 86 bred from the same family as the current IDW Grand Champion, she sold at $18,500 to A & S Barron of Qld. Also at this price was Arabella Dempsey Fantisco, VG 86 bred from the Quality Frans, she sold to K & K Cash of Vic.
Top selling unjoined heifer at $17,000 was Arabella MS Chief Ding, this Chief from a Sidekick dam bred down from many time Royal Champion Gibson Blackding, EX 92 sold to Paulger Partners of Qld. The same buyers also selected Arabella Solomon Georgette, VG 87 at $16,000. Also at $16,000 was the recently scored EX cow Arabella Fry Whisky selling to A & A Crawford of NSW, they also selected Arabella Appleback Betsy, a joined Diamondback heifer who had won her class at Brisbane Royal at $10,000.
The well known Tomargo Recluse herd of the Chesworth Family at Dubbo, NSW purchased several outstanding lots including Arabella Lambda Whisky at $15,000 and Arabella Doc Georgette at $14,000.
Local buyers, Argyll Farming purchased several females including Arabella Diamond S Whisky at $13,000 and Arabella Miss Ding an 11th gen EX & VG at $10,000.
There was a very select group of Red Holsteins on offer, these included Arabella Devour Rebel-R at $11,000 selling to Brindabella Holsteins, Vic.
Other noted sales included Arabella Tatoo Dottie at $10,000 to W & L McKay of Vic, Arabella Control Tam, VG 88 at $10,000 to M Wheildon of Qld, Arabella Lambda Georgette at $10,000 to A & S Barron and Arabella SK Vickie also at $10,000 to R Nelson of Qld.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report the following details –
76 Cows av $8,125
22 joined Heifers av $7,136
11 Unjoined Heifers av $6,727
109 Arabella Holsteins av $7,784
Albion Park Holsteins sold 9 cows av $4,945
118 Holsteins gross $893,000
Av $7,568
Buyers were from throughout Qld, NSW and Victoria.
Eliza View Holsteins top at $7,500
Gippsland and Northern Victorian buyers were most impressed with the quality of the Eliza View Holsteins Dispersal on account of David and Jenny Custance of Nyora sold at Koonwarra in September.
Sale top of $7,500 was the Red Cow Holloddon Adonis Leonie 2499-Red, VG 87, this 7th gen EX & VG cow was calved in May and PTIC back to Altatop-Red, she sold to A Peatling of Toolamba.
Nest top of $7,000 was paid by Staley Farms of Yarram for Eagle Ridge Jacoby L Pollyanna. The same buyers also selected Eagle Ridge Bradnick Shock Polka at $5,000.
Local Breeders Krishlaye P/L paid $5,750 for Eagle Ridge Brigham DB Paula backed by a VG 89 dam and EX 2nd dam. Troy Smethurst of Athlone selected Eagle Ridge Rambo Shastan at $5,250 and Eagle Ridge Lambda GD Pollyanna at $5,000.
Kerang buyer L Prout of Corra Lea Holsteins purchased Eagle Ridge Brad AD Polka and Eagle Ridge Dealmaker Shastan, VG both at $5,000.
Also at $5,000 was Eliza View DA Ginger 9-Red, VG 86 selling to Bryce Templeton of Trafalgar.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
65 Holsteins av $3,582.
Warramont Heifer Dispersal Sale
South Australian Master Breeders, David and Trudy Fiebig staged their Heifer Dispersal Sale at the Warrnambool Selling Centre in September.
Sale top of $5,750 was paid for Warramont Applefree Adelaide-Red, this classy red heifer backed by the noted Anstein Miss America family sold due to sexed Robin-Red to N Stevens of Simpson.
Equal second top of $5,000 was paid for Warramont MVP Divine a daughter of a full sister to Superdave, she sold to W & E Balcombe of Dreeite.. N Niewenhuizen of Jancourt East paid the same figure for Warramont Pavarotti Linguini backed by 9 gens of EX & VG dams.
The long established Louden Hill herd of Bamawn in Northern Victoria purchased Warramont Perseus Fergie-Poll and Warramont Album Totti at $4,750 each.
Warramont sold 38 Heifers to av $4,080
The Segenhoe Park herd of David and Glenyce Johnston sold a quality line of young cows and heifers including Segenhoe Park Gibbo Marla and Segenhoe Park Super Lily both at $3,250 to David Notter of Kyabram.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
72 Holsteins gross $248,150
Av $3,447
Avonlea Celebration Sale average $11,237
The much anticipated Avonlea Celebration Sale 11 held on the property of John Gardiner and Family at Nar Nar Goon met strong competition from all over Australia.
Sale top came early when lot 1, Avonlea-YF Tatoo Connie (pictured) sold at $32,000 to G & C Peatling of Katunga, this stylish heifer was backed by 4 generations of EX dams and many major show winners.
Second high lot at $28,000 was Avonlea Denver Victoria a superb type daughter of the 2021 Vic Winter Fair Champion, Murribrook Reginald Victory, EX 91 selling to Eloora Past Co of Blighty, NSW. These buyers also selected Avonlea Denver Butter backed by 6 gens of EX dams at $16,000 along with Avonlea Thunderstorm Bree from the EX 91 Grantley Reginald Biddy cow also at $16,000.
Third top lot at $26,000 was Avonlea Denver Victory another ET daughter of Reginald Victory, EX 91 selling to the famed Glenalbas Herd, NSW. This buyer also purchased Avonlea Sidekick Anna from the 2021 Int Best Udder Winner at the Vic Winter Fair bred from the Alicia family at $22,000.
The Clydebank herd of Ross Somerville and Family paid $24,000 for Avonlea Kingdoc Tammy a daughter of the All Australian Aged Cow Dempsey Tammy, EX 93. Nathan Smith of Hightop Holsteins Congupna selected Avonlea Master Alana a daughter of Sanchez Alana, EX 93, 4th gen EX at $22,000.
Somerelle Holsteins purchased Avonlea Denver Reba from the Aftershock Reba, EX 92 cow at $21,000. Regular Avonlea buyers, Gorbro Holsteins added Avonlea Kingdoc Kaye, a most correct heifer at $20,000 and Avonlea Denver Butterbrook backed by 6 gens of EX at $18,000.
P Fullerton of Nirranda selected Avonlea Sidekick Anna 2 a very stylish heifer at $16,000.
Selling agents Dairy Livestock Services report –
60 Females av $11,237
2 Bulls av $4500.
2020 Ayrshire Ave $4437 – New Breed Record
Next best -IDW 2015 – Ave $3485
Best ever in Breed – $3636